Group members

Viviane Bauer
(PhD Student)
Room: 46/567
Email: vbauer@rhrk.uni-kl.de
Current Project:
- Realization of a mechanical deamon with coupled, chaotic Bose-Hubbard-Trimers.

Diego Fieguth
(PhD Student)
Room: 46/562
Email: fieguth@rhrk.uni-kl.de
Current Project:
- Dissipative Control via the generalised Kruskal-Neishtadt-Henrard-Formula
- Analysis of capture and exits in nearly recurrent systems with noise

Nico Fink
(Phd Student)
Room: 46/567
Email: nfink@rhrk.uni-kl.de
Current Project:
- Kruskal-Theorem in the chaotic Bose-Hubbard Dimer

Peter Stabel
(PhD Student)
Room: 46/562
Email: stabel@rhrk.uni-kl.de
Current Project:
- Towards a Quantum Generalization of the Kruskal-Neishtadt-Henrard-Theorem
- Analysis of time evolution through networks of Landau-Zener avoided crossings: "Quantum Separatrices", Quantum-classical correspondence
Former group members
Alexej Gaidoukov (Phd 2022)
Timo Eichmann (Phd 2021)
Ralf Bürkle (Phd 2021)
Dr. Etienne Wamba (PostDoc 2019)
Dr. Luis Rico (PhD 2019)
Dr. Eike Thesing (PhD 2017)
Sandro Gödtel (Diplom 2017)
Dr. Andreas Schulz (Postdoc 2015-2020)
Dr. Lukas Gilz (PhD 2015)
Dr. Bernhard Breid (PhD 2014)
Dr. Martin Strzys (PhD 2013)
Christian Leger (Diplom 2013)
Dr. Philip Walczak (PhD 2012)
Nikolai Lauk (Diplom 2011)
Alexander Baral (Diplom 2010)
Andreas Jablonski
Dr. Gevorg Muradyan
Christian Rinder (Diplom 2010)
Daniel Wohlfahrt (Diplom 2009)