Neuere Veröffentlichungen

  • Michael Allan - electron impact spectroscopy at its best
    Hartmut Hotop
    Eur. Phys. J. D 70 (2016) 200 (4pp)

  • High resolution low-energy electron attachment to molecular clusters of sulfur dioxide
    S. Barsotti, I.I. Fabrikant, M.-W. Ruf, H Hotop
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 365-366 (2014) 301-310

  • High resolution studies of (SF6)q-(q = 1-3) cluster anion formation in low-energy electron collisions with (SF6)Nclusters (N >= 2)
    M. Braun, I. I. Fabrikant, M.-W. Ruf and H Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 195202 (11pp)

  • TOPICAL REVIEW: Photoionization dynamics of excited Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe atoms near threshold
    V. L. Sukhorukov, I. D. Petrov, M. Schäfer, F. Merkt, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45 (2012) 092001 (43pp)

  • Near-threshold photoionization from the excited mp5 (m+1)p J = 0 – 3 levels of
    Ar, Kr, and Xe (m = 3 – 5)
    I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, M.-W. Ruf, D. Klar, and H. Hotop
    Eur. Phys. J. D 62 (2011) 347-359

  • On the relation between the activation energy for electron attachment reactions and the size of their thermal rate coefficients
    H. Hotop, M.-W. Ruf, J. Kopyra, T. M. Miller, and I. I. Fabrikant
    J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 064303 (7pp)

  • Autoionization dynamics of even Ar(3p51/2 np’, nf’) resonances: comparison of experiment and theory
    I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, U. Hollenstein, L. J. Kaufmann, F. Merkt, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 (2011) 025004 (11pp)

  • New light on the Kr-(4p5 5s2) Feshbach resonances: high resolution electron scattering experiments and B-spline R-matrix calculations
    T. H. Hoffmann, M.-W. Ruf, H. Hotop, O. Zatsarinny, K. Bartschat, and M. Allan
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 (2010) 085206 (11pp)

  • Low-energy attachment to the dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2) molecule
    K. Graupner, S. A: Haughey, T. A. Field, C. A. Mayhew, T. H. Hoffmann, O. May, J. Fedor, M. Allan, I. I. Fabrikant, E. Illenberger, M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. Chem. A 114 (2010) 1474-1484

  • Resonance structure in electron-N2 scattering around 11.5 eV: High resolution measurements, ab initio calculations and line shape analyses
    T. H. Hoffmann, M. Allan, K. Franz, M.-W. Ruf, H. Hotop, G. Sauter, and W. Meyer
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 (2009) 215202 (13pp)

  • High resolution electron attachment to the molecules CCl4 and SF6 over extended energy ranges with the (EX)LPA method
    M. Braun, S. Marienfeld, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 (2009) 125202 (20pp)

  • Odd autoionizing 2p51/2 n(s'/d') resonances of Ne excited from the 2p5 3p [K]J states
    I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    Eur. Phys. J. D 53 (2009) 289-302

  • High resolution studies of electron attachment to molecules
    M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, I. I. Fabrikant, and H. Hotop
    AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1125, 6th Int. Conf. on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications, Beijing, China, 27-31 October 2008, ed. by. S. Zhu and J. Yan, pp. 39-48, Amer. Inst. Phys., Melville, New York, 2009

  • Absolute angle-differential cross sections for electron-impact excitation of neon within the first 3.5 eV above threshold
    M. Allan, K. Franz, H. Hotop, O. Zatsarinny, and K. Bartschat
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 (2009) 044009 (11pp)

  • Resonance structure in low-energy electron scattering from OCS
    T. H. Hoffmann, H. Hotop, and M. Allan
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 195202 (7pp)

  • Low-energy electron attachment to chloroform (CHCl3) molecules: a joint experimental and theoretical study
    J. Kopyra, I. Szamrej, K. Graupner, L. M. Graham, T. A. Field, P. Sulzer, S. Denifl, T. D. Märk, P. Scheier, I. I. Fabrikant, M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 277 (2008) 130-141

  • Highly resolved absolute cross sections for dissociative electron attachment to SF5CF3
    K. Graupner, L. M. Graham, T. A. Field, C. A. Mayhew, I. I. Fabrikant, T. M. Miller, M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 277 (2008) 113-122

  • Low-lying resonances in electron-argon scattering: measurements at 5 meV resolution and comparison with theory
    K. Franz, T. H. Hoffmann, J. Bömmels, A. Gopalan, G. Sauter, W. Meyer, M. Allan, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    Phys. Rev. A 78 (2008) 012712 (16pp)

  • Photoionization spectroscopy of even-parity autoionizing Rydberg states of argon: experimental and theoretical investigation of Fano profiles and resonance widths
    J. D. Wright, T. J. Morgan, L. Li, Q. Gu, J. L. Knee, I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, and H. Hotop
    Phys. Rev. A 77 (2008) 062512 (11pp)

  • On the validity of the Arrhenius equation for electron attachment rate coefficients
    I. I. Fabrikant and H. Hotop
    J. Chem. Phys. 128 (2008) 124308 (8pp)

  • Photoionization of excited Ne*(2p5 3p, J = 3) atoms near threshold
    I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 065205 (11pp)

  • Observation of p-wave threshold behaviour in electron attachment to F2 molecules
    M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, I. I. Fabrikant, and H. Hotop
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 253202 (4pp)

  • High resolution studies of dissociative electron attachment to molecules: dependence on electron and vibrational energy
    M.-W. Ruf, M. Braun, S. Marienfeld, I. I. Fabrikant, and H. Hotop
    XXV International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 88 (2007) 012013 (10pp)

  • Low-energy electron collisions with CH3Br: the dependence of elastic scattering, vibrational excitation, and dissociative attachment on the initial vibrational energy
    M. Braun, I. I. Fabrikant, M.-W. Ruf, H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B 40 (2007) 659-674

  • Absolute angle-differential cross sections for excitation of neon atoms by electrons of energy 16.6 - 19.2 eV
    M. Allan, K. Franz, H. Hotop, O. Zatsarinny, and K. Bartschat
    in Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Proc. 24th Int. Conf.; P. D. Fainstein, M. A. P. Lima, J. E. Miraglia, E. C. Montenegro, R. D. Rivarola, eds.), pp. 261-264, World Scientific, Singapore (2006)

  • IR photon enhanced dissociative electron attachment to SF6: dependence on photon, vibrational, and electron energy
    M. Braun, F. Gruber, M.-W. Ruf, S. V. K. Kumar, E. Illenberger, and H. Hotop
    Chem. Phys. 329 (2006) 148-162

  • Lineshapes of the even mp51/2n(p'/f') autoionizing resonances of Ar, Kr and Xe
    I. D. Petrov, T. Peters, T. Halfmann, S. Aloïse, P. O'Keeffe, M. Meyer, V. L. Sukhorukov, and H. Hotop
    Eur. Phys. J. D 40 (2006) 181-193

  • High resolution studies of low energy electron attachment to SF5Cl: product anions and absolute cross sections
    M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop, P. Cicman, P. Scheier and T. D. Märk, E. Illenberger, R. P. Tuckett and C. A. Mayhew
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 252 (2006) 234-241

  • Autoionizing even 2p51/2nl' [ K' ]0,1,2 ( l' = 1, 3 ) Rydberg series of Ne: comparison of many-electron theory and experiment
    I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, T. Peters, O. Zehnder, H. J. Wörner, F. Merkt, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39 (2006) 3159-3176

  • The dependence of low-energy electron attachment to CF3Br on electron and vibrational energy
    S. Marienfeld, T. Sunagawa, I. I. Fabrikant, M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    J. Chem. Phys. 124 (2006) 154316 (14pp)

  • Absolute angle-differential cross sections for electron-impact excitation of neon atoms from threshold to 19.5 eV
    M. Allan, K. Franz, H. Hotop, O. Zatsarinny, and K. Bartschat
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39 (2006) L139-L144

  • Low-energy electron attachment to SF6 molecules: Vibrational structure in the cross section for SF5- formation up to 1 eV
    M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, H. Hotop, and M. Allan
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 419 (2006) 517-522
  • High resolution low-energy electron attachment to CF3I
    S. Marienfeld, I. I. Fabrikant, M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39 (2006) 105-126

  • High resolution study of anion formation in low-energy electron attachment to SF6 molecules in a seeded supersonic beam
    M. Braun, S. Barsotti, S. Marienfeld, E. Leber, J. M. Weber, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    Eur. Phys. J. D 35 (2005) 177-191

  • Ab initio investigation of the autoionization process Ar*(4 s 3P2,3P0) + Hg → (Ar - Hg)+ + e-: potential energy curves and autoionization widths, ionization cross sections and electron energy spectra
    L. Thiel, H. Hotop, and W. Meyer
    J. Chem. Phys. 122 (2005) 184309 (13pp)

  • Theory of electron attachment to CO2 clusters
    I. I. Fabrikant and H. Hotop
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 063201 (4pp)

  • Elastic scattering, vibrational excitation, and attachment in low-energy electron-SF6 scattering: experiment and effective range theory
    I. I. Fabrikant, H. Hotop, and M. Allan
    Phys. Rev. A 71 (2005) 022712 (10pp)

  • Low-lying resonances in electron-neon scattering: measurements at 4 meV resolution and comparison with theory
    J. Bömmels, K. Franz, T. H. Hoffmann, A. Gopalan, O. Zatsarinny, K. Bartschat, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    Phys. Rev. A 71 (2005) 012704 (12pp)

  • Experimental and theoretical investigation of even mp51/2np' autoionizing resonances of rare gas atoms
    T. Peters, T. Halfmann, U. Even, A. Wünnenberg, I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (2005) S51-S64

  • Experimental and theoretical electron energy spectra due to ionizing collisions of metastable Ar*(3P2), Ar*(3P0) and Kr*(3P0) atoms with ground state Hg atoms
    F. A. U. Thiel, L. Thiel, A. J. Yencha, M.-W. Ruf , W. Meyer, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 (2004) 3691-3710

  • Efficient long-term laser excitation of a collimated beam of potassium atoms on the D2 line
    A. Gopalan, E. Leber, J. Bömmels, S. P. H. Paul, M. Allegrini, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    Eur. Phys. J. D 30 (2004) 163-169

  • Experimental and theoretical investigation of odd 5p51/2nl' autoionizing resonances in xenon atoms: energy dependence of the reduced widths
    M. Hanif, M. Aslam, Raheel Ali, S. A. Bhatti, M. A. Baig, D. Klar, M.-W. Ruf, I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov and H. Hotop,
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 (2004) 1987-2009

  • Resonance and threshold phenomena in low-energy electron collisions with molecules and clusters
    H. Hotop, M.-W. Ruf, and I. I. Fabrikant
    Physica Scripta T110 (2004) 22-31

  • High resolution study of cluster anion formation in low-energy electron collisions with OCS clusters
    S. Barsotti, T. Sommerfeld, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 233 (2004) 181-192

  • Dissociative attachment and vibrational excitation in low-energy electron collisions with chlorine molecules
    M.-W. Ruf, S. Barsotti, M. Braun, H. Hotop, and I. I. Fabrikant
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. B 37 (2004) 41-62

  • Ground state potential energy curves of LiHg, NaHg, and KHg revisited
    L. Thiel, H. Hotop, and W. Meyer
    J. Chem. Phys. 119 (2003) 9008-9020

  • Influence of laser bandwidth and transit time on the excitation probability of a rovibrational two-level system
    S. Marienfeld, Y. Pashayan, N. V. Vitanov, B. W. Shore, H. Hotop, and K. Bergmann
    J. Chem. Phys. 119 (2003) 5069-5077

  • Resonance and threshold phenomena in low-energy electron collisions with molecules and clusters
    H. Hotop, M.-W. Ruf, M. Allan, and I. I. Fabrikant
    Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2003) 85-216

  • Autoionizing Rydberg series 3p51/2nl' [ K' ]J ( l' = 0-5 ) of Ar: influence of many-electron effects on the resonance widths
    I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36 (2003) 119-128
  • A novel electron scattering apparatus combining a laser photoelectron source and a triply differentially pumped supersonic beam target: characterization and results for the He-(1s 2s2) resonance
    A. Gopalan, J. Bömmels, S. Götte, A. Landwehr, K. Franz, M.-W. Ruf, H. Hotop, and K. Bartschat
    Eur. Phys. J. D. 22 (2003) 17-29

  • High resolution study of dissociative electron attachment to dipolar molecules at low energies: CH2Br2 and CCl3Br
    A. Schramm, M.-W. Ruf, M. Stano, S. Matejcik, I. I. Fabrikant and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36 (2002) 4179-4202

  • Clear experimental evidence for p-wave threshold behaviour in electron attachment to chlorine molecules
    S. Barsotti, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 083201 (4pp)

  • Effects of interchannel coupling in associative detachment: electron spectra for H + Cl- and H + Br- collisions
    S. Zivanov, M. Allan, M. Cizek, J. Horacek, F. A. U. Thiel and H. Hotop
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 073201 (4pp)

  • High resolution study of cluster anion formation in low-energy electron collisions with molecular clusters of CO2, CS2, and O2
    S. Barsotti, E. Leber, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 220 (2002) 313-330

  • Autoionizing Rydberg series ncp51/2nl'[K']J (l' = 0-5) of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe: general trends for the resonance widths
    I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35 (2002) 323-338

  • Dynamics of low energy electron collisions with molecules and clusters
    H. Hotop
    In Gaseous Dielectrics IX, Proc. Int. Symp. On Gaeous Dielectrics IX, 22-25 May 2001, Ellicott City, MD, USA,
    L. G. Christophorou and J. K. Olthoff (Eds.), pp. 3-14, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York (2001)

  • Dissociative electron attachment to dipolar molecules at low energies with meV resolution: CFCl3, 1,1,1-C2Cl3F3, and HI
    D. Klar, M.-W. Ruf, I. I. Fabrikant and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32 (2001) 3855-3878

  • Energy broadening due to photoion space charge in a high resolution laser photoelectron source
    J. Bömmels, E. Leber, A. Gopalan, J. M. Weber, S. Barsotti, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Rev. Scient. Instrum. 72 (2001) 4098-4105

  • High resolution measurements and multichannel quantum defect analysis of the Kr(4p5(2P1/2)nd', J = 2,3) autoionizing resonances
    D. Klar, M. Aslam, M. A. Baig, K. Ueda, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 (2001) 1549-1568

  • Associative detachment in low energy collisions between hydrogen atoms and atomic halogen anions
    M. Cizek, J. Horacek, F.A.U. Thiel and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 (2001) 983-1004

  • Dissociative electron attachment to CCl4 molecules at low electron energies with meV resolution
    D. Klar, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 205 (2001) 93-110

  • Low-energy behaviour of exothermic dissociative electron attachment
    I. I. Fabrikant and H. Hotop
    Phys. Rev. A 63 (2001) 022706 (10pp)

  • A triply differentially pumped supersonic beam target for high resolution collision studies
    S. Götte, A. Gopalan, J. Bömmels, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Rev. Sci. Instr. 71 (2000) 4070-4077

  • Vibrational Feshbach resonances in electron attachment to nitrous oxide clusters: decay into heterogeneous and homogeneous cluster anions
    E. Leber, S. Barsotti, J. Bömmels, J. M. Weber, I. I. Fabrikant, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 325 (2000) 345-353

  • Theoretical investigation of the autoionization process im molecular collision complexes: He*(2 3S) + Li(2 2S) --> He + Li+ + e-
    M. Movre, L. Thiel and W. Meyer
    J. Chem. Phys 113 (2000) 1484-1491

  • Vibrational Feshbach resonances in electron attachment to carbon dioxide clusters
    E. Leber, S. Barsotti, I. I. Fabrikant, J. M. Weber, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Eur. Phys. J. D 12 (2000) 125-131
  • Effects of solvation on dissociative electron attachment to methyl iodide clusters
    J.M. Weber, I. I. Fabrikant, E. Leber, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Eur. Phys. J. D 11 (2000) 247-256

  • Near threshold photoionization of excited alkali atoms Ak(np) (Ak = Na, K, Rb, Cs; n = 3-6)
    I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, E. Leber and H. Hotop
    Eur. Phys. J. D 10 (2000) 53-65

  • Resonance and threshold phenomena in electron attachment to molecules and clusters
    E. Leber, I. I. Fabrikant, J. M. Weber, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
    in <it></it>"Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiment and Applications IV" (M. Larsson, J. B. A. Mitchell, and I. F. Schneider, Eds.), pp. 69-76, World Scientific, Singapore (2000)

  • Binding Energies in Atomic Negative Ions: III
    T. Andersen, H. K. Haugen, and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 28 (1999) 1511-1533

  • Formation of small water cluster anions by attachment of very slow electrons at high resolution
    J. M. Weber, E. Leber, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Eur. Phys. J. D 7 (1999) 587-594

  • Odd Rydberg spectrum of 40Ar(I): High resolution laser spectroscopy and multichannel quantum defect analysis of the nd, J=4 levels and the ng', J=4 resonances
    J. Bömmels, J. M. Weber, A. Gopalan, N. Herschbach, E. Leber, A. Schramm, K. Ueda, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32 (1999) 2399-2414

  • Odd Rydberg spectrum of 40Ar(I): High resolution laser spectroscopy and multichannel quantum defect analysis of the J=2 and J=3 levels
    J. M. Weber, K. Ueda, D. Klar, J. Kreil, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32 (1999) 2381-2398

  • Vibrational resonance and threshold effects in inelastic electron collisions with methyl iodide molecules
    A. Schramm, I. I. Fabrikant, J. M. Weber, E. Leber, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32 (1999) 2153-2171

  • The influence of core polarization on photoionization of alkali and metastable rare gas atoms
    I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32(1999) 973-986

  • Nuclear-Excited Feshbach Resonances in Electron Attachment to Molecular Clusters
    J. M. Weber, E. Leber, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 516-519

  • Diatomic potential well depths from analyses of high resolution electron energy spectra for autoionizing collision complexes
    H. Hotop, T. E. Roth, M.-W. Ruf and A. J. Yencha
    Theor. Chem. Acc. 100 (1998) 36-50

  • Threshold electron attachment and electron impact ionization involving oxygen dimers
    J. Kreil, M.-W. Ruf, H. Hotop, I. Ettischer and U. Buck
    Chem. Phys.239 (1998) 459-473

  • Penning Ionization of C60 and C70
    J. M. Weber, K. Hansen, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Chem. Phys. 239 (1998) 271-286

  • Laser Photoelectron Attachment to Molecules in a Skimmed Supersonic Beam: Diagnostics of Weak Electric Fields and Attachment Cross Sections Down to 20 µeV
    A. Schramm, J. M. Weber, J. Kreil, D. Klar, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 778-781

  • Angular distributions of photoelectrons from polarized Ar*(4p,J=3) atoms near threshold: experimental results and theoretical analysis
    S. Schohl, N. A. Cherepkov, I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, S. Baier and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 31 (1998) 3363-3385

  • Experimental and theoretical cross sections for photoionization of metastable Ar* and Kr* atoms near threshold
    R. Kau, I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 31 (1998) 1011-1027

  • Many-electron calculations of partial photoionization cross sections for rare gas atoms
    V. L. Sukhorukov, B. M. Lagutin, I. D. Petrov, H. Schmoranzer, S. Lauer, F. Vollweiler, H. Hotop, R. Kau, K.-H. Schartner, B. Magel and G. Mentzel
    in "Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions", Invited Papers of XXth ICPEAC, Vienna, Austria, 23-29 July 1997 (F. Aumayr and Hp. Winter, Eds.) pp.117-128, World Scientific, Singapore

  • Controlled formation of weakly-bound atomic negative ions by electron transfer from state selected Rydberg atoms
    M. Reicherts, T. Roth, A. Gopalan, M.-W. Ruf, H. Hotop, C. Desfrancois and I. I. Fabrikant
    Europhys. Lett 40 (1997) 129-134

  • Experimental and theoretical coss sections for photoionization of metastable Xe*(6s 3P2, 3P0) atoms near threshold
    R. Kau, I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov and H. Hotop
    Z. Phys. D - Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 39 (1997) 267-281
    Erratum: Z. Phys. D - Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 42 (1997) 318

  • Photoionization of polarized Ar*(4p J = 3) atoms near threshold
    S. Schohl, D. Klar, N. A. Cherepkov, I. D. Petrov, K. Ueda, S. Baier, R. Kau and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B30 (1997) 609-631

  • Experimental and theoretical cross sections for photoionization of metastable
    Ne*(3s 3P2, 3P0) atoms near threshold
    R. Kau, I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov and H. Hotop
    J. Phys. B29 (1996) 5673-5698

  • Rydberg electron transfer to C60 and C70
    J. M. Weber, M.-W. Ruf and H. Hotop
    Z. Phys. D - Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 37 (1996) 351-357

  • The interaction of metastable helium atoms with alkaline earth atoms: He*(3S, 1S)+ Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba
    M.-W. Ruf, A. J. Yencha, H. Hotop, M. Movre, C. Kerner, S. Zillig and W. Meyer
    Z. Phys. D - Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 37 (1996) 219-230

  • Laser Photoionization of metastable Xe*(J=0) atoms in the range 462-430 nm
    R. Kau, D. Klar, S. Schohl, S. Baier and H. Hotop
    Z. Phys. D - Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 36 (1996) 23-30
    Detection of metastable atoms and molecules

  • H. Hotop
    Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences, Volume 29B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics: Atoms and Molecules (F. B. Dunning, R. G. Hulet, eds.), pp. 191-215, Academic Press, San Diego (1996)