STIRAP-Symposium 2015

International Symposium:
Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage in Physics, Chemistry and Technology
Current Status and Future Directions 25 Years after the Introduction of STIRAP
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Sept. 22 - 25, 2015
Organized by Nikolay V.Vitanov (Sofia), Bruce W. Shore (Livermore) and Klaas Bergmann (Kaiserslautern)
The original STIRAP paper was published in May, 1990 (J.Chem.Phys. 92, 5363 , 1990). Now, 25 years later, that methodology enjoys widespread application throughout a broad range of disciplines, including AMO physics, nuclear physics, solid state physics, quantum information, chemistry and even technology. This International Symposium will review the current status of STIRAP research and discuss anticipated future directions of STIRAP-related work. It is expected that discussions of varied applications in the numerous fields, as well as limitations of STIRAP, will lead to significant scientific cross fertilization.
The three-day symposium will be spread over four days (noon to noon).
There will be a poster session to present submitted contributions.