AG Theory of Spin Systems



“If you want to master something, teach it.” - Richard Feynman


Besides our desire to master our research topics by teaching them as per the quote above, we take great joy and pride in educating young minds and preparing them as future scientists and leaders. Thus, we are constantly trying to develop new courses to address the rapidly evolving requirements of industry, research, and society at large. For example, we are currently developing two courses entitled “Foundations of Quantum Technologies” and “Quantum Magnonics” to be taught in the winter semester 2024/25. If there is a contemporary topic that you think would be great to have in our coursework at the RPTU, please write an email to Prof. Akashdeep Kamra (akashdeep.kamra(at) with your suggestion.


For the courses being taught in the current and upcoming semesters, please look up the KIS profiles of Akashdeep Kamra and Georg Lefkidis.