Seit Juli 2020: PhD student in the group of Prof. Dr. Elke Neu-Ruffing, TU Kaiserslautern
2020 - 2021: Research Assistant (Intern) at Technical University of Munich;
Main focus of the work was on the calibration setup for the POCAM (Precision Optical CAlibration Module) planned for the IceCube Upgrade (a cubic km neutrino detector).2018 - 2020: Student Assistant at Technical University of Munich; working in the ECP(Experimental Physics withCosmic Particles) group of Prof. Dr. Resconi, in the development of two pathfinder experiments STRAW and STRAW-b towards building a cubic kilometre scale neutrino detector in the Pacific Ocean, P-ONE (Pacific Ocean Neutrino Explorer).
2016-2021: Masters (Applied and Engineering Physics) at Technical University Munich
2013-2015: Masters (Applied Physics) atGautam Buddha University
2010-2013: Bachelor of Science (Physics) at University of Delhi, India