Magnetic nutation: Transient separation of magnetization from its angular momentum
Anulekha De, Julius Schlegel, Akira Lentfert, Laura Scheuer, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Philipp Pirro, Georg von Freymann, Ulrich Nowak, and Martin Aeschlimann
Phys. Rev. B 111, 014432 (2025)
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy at surfaces
Martin Aeschlimann, Jan Philipp Bange, Michael Bauer, Uwe Bovensiepen, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Thomas Fauster, Lukas Gierster, Ulrich Höfer, Rupert Huber, Andi Li, Xintong Li, Stefan Mathias, Karina Morgenstern, Hrvoje Petek, Marcel Reutzel, Kai Rossnagel, Gerd Schönhense, Markus Scholz, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Julia Stähler, Shijing Tan, Bing Wang, Zehua Wang, Martin Weinelt
Surface Science 753 (2025) 122631
Phase shift of coherent magnetization dynamics after ultrafast demagnetization in strongly quenched nickel thin films
A. Lentfert, A. De, L. Scheuer, B. Stadtmüller, G. von Freymann, M. Aeschlimann, and P. Pirro
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 36, 455801 (2024)
Enhancing the dipole ring of hexagonal boron nitride nanomesh by surface alloying
Gyula Halasi, Csaba Vass, Ka Man Yu, Gábor Vári, Arnold P. Farkas, Krisztián Palotás, András Berkó, János Kiss, Zoltán Kónya, Martin Aeschlimann, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Péter Dombi, and László Óvári
npj 2D Materials and Applications 8, 48 (2024)
All-optical switching in Cr- and Mn-doped L10 FePt thin films
Martin Stiehl, Stephan Wust, Nataliia Schmidt, Tobias Dannegger, Johannes Seyd, Marco Berritta, Peter M. Oppeneer, Manfred Albrecht, Ulrich Nowak, and Martin Aeschlimann
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 054064 (2024)
Revealing hidden spin polarization in centrosymmetric van der Waals materials on ultrafast timescales
B. Arnoldi, S. L. Zachritz, S. Hedwig, M. Aeschlimann, O. L. A. Monti, and B. Stadtmüller
Nat. Commun. 15, 3573, (2024)
Disentangling the multiorbital contributions of excitons by photoemission exciton tomography
Wiebke Bennecke, Andreas Windischbacher, David Schmitt, Jan Philipp Bange, Ralf Hemm, Christian S. Kern, Gabriele D’Avino, Xavier Blase, Daniel Steil, Sabine Steil, Martin Aeschlimann, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Marcel Reutzel, Peter Puschnig, G. S. Matthijs Jansen & Stefan Mathias
Nat. Commun. 15, 1804 (2024)
Observation of time-reversal symmetry breaking in the band structure of altermagnetic RuO2
Olena Fedchenko, Jan Minár, Akashdeep Akashdeep, Sunil Wilfred D’Souza, Dmitry Vasilyev, Olena Tkach, Lukas Odenbreit, Quynh Nguyen, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Nils Wind, Lukas Wenthaus, Markus Scholz, Kai Rossnagel, Moritz Hoesch, Martin Aeschlimann, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Mathias Kläui, Gerd Schönhense, Tomas Jungwirth, Anna Birk Hellenes, Gerhard Jakob, Libor Šmejkal, Jairo Sinova, and Hans-Joachim Elmers
Sci. Adv. 10, eadj4883 (2024)
Coherent and incoherent magnons induced by strong ultrafast demagnetization in thin permalloy films
Anulekha De, Akira Lentfert, Laura Scheuer, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Georg von Freymann, Martin Aeschlimann, and Philipp Pirro
Phys. Rev. B 109, 024422 (2024)
Spin transport and magnetic proximity effect in CoFeB/normal metal/Pt trilayers
Simon Häuser, Matthias R. Schweizer, Sascha Keller, Andres Conca, Moritz Hofherr, Evangelos Papaioannou, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Burkard Hillebrands, Martin Aeschlimann, and Mathias Weiler
IEEE Magnetics Letters Volume 14 (2023)
Effect of iron thicknesses on spin transport in a Fe/Au bilayer system
J. Briones, M. Weber, B. Stadtmüller, H. C. Schneider, and B. Rethfeld
Journal of Applied Physics 134, 043907 (2023)
Spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of heptahelicene layers on Cu(111) surfaces
M. Baljozović, B. Arnoldi, S. Grass, J. Lacour, M. Aeschlimann, B. Stadtmüller, and K.-H. Ernst
J. Chem. Phys. 159, 044701 (2023)
Laser-Induced Creation of Antiferromagnetic 180-Degree Domains in NiO/Pt Bilayers
Hendrik Meer, Stephan Wust, Christin Schmitt, Paul Herrgen, Felix Fuhrmann, Steffen Hirtle, Beatrice Bednarz, Adithya Rajan, Rafael Ramos, Miguel Angel Niño, Michael Foerster, Florian Kronast, Armin Kleibert, Baerbel Rethfeld, Eiji Saitoh, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann, and Mathias Kläui
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2213536
Plasmonic wavelength-dependent optical switch
Deirdre Kilbane, Eva Prinz, Tobias Eul, Michael Hartelt, Anna-Katharina Mahro, Matthias Hensen, Walter Pfeiffer, and Martin Aeschlimann
Opt. Express 31, 95979-9590 (2023)
Orbital Angular Momentum in Nanoplasmonic Vortices
Eva Prinz, Michael Hartelt, Grisha Spektor, Meir Orenstein, and Martin Aeschlimann
ACS Photonics 2023, 10, 340−367
Control of transport phenomena in magnetic heterostructures by wavelength modulation
Christopher Seibel, Marius Weber, Martin Stiehl, Sebastian T. Weber, Martin Aeschlimann, Hans Christian Schneider, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Baerbel Rethfeld
Phys. Rev. B 106, L140405 (2022)
Vacancy dynamics in niobium and its native oxides and their potential implications for quantum computing and superconducting accelerators
Marc Wenskat, Jakub Čižek, Maciej Oskar Liedke, Maik Butterling, Martin Stiehl, Guilherme Dalla Lana Semione, Constanze Backes, Christopher Bate, Oksana Melikhova, Eric Hirschmann, Andreas Wagner, Hans Weise, Andreas Stierle, Martin Aeschlimann, and Wolfgang Hillert
Phys. Rev. B 106, 094516 (2022)
Tracing the formation of oxygen vacancies at the conductive LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface via photoemission
Junyan Chen, Tobias Eul, Lu Lyu, Yaolong Li, Xiaoyong Hu, Xingkun Ning, Shufang Wang, Martin Aeschlimann, and Qihuang Gong
Opto-Electron. Sci. 1, 210011 (2022)
Vectorial Electron Spin Filtering by an All-Chiral Metal–Molecule Heterostructure
Chetana Badala Viswanatha, Johannes Stöckl, Benito Arnoldi, Sebastian Becker, Martin Aeschlimann, and Benjamin Stadtmüller
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 6244–6249
Observation of optical coherence in a disordered metal-molecule interface by coherent optical two-dimensional photoelectron spectroscopy
Martin Aeschlimann, Tobias Brixner, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Feidt, Norman Haag, Matthias Hensen, Bernhard Huber, Tristan Kenneweg, Jobynson Kollamana, Christian Kramer, Walter Pfeiffer, Stefano Ponzoni, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Philip Thielen
Phys. Rev. B 105, 205415 (2022)
FAIR data enabling new horizons for materials research
Matthias Scheffler, Martin Aeschlimann, Martin Albrecht, Tristan Bereau, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Claudia Felser, Mark Greiner, Axel Groß, Christoph T. Koch, Kurt Kremer, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Markus Scheidgen, Christof Wöll, and Claudia Draxl
Nature 604, 635–642 (2022)
Atomic and mesoscopic structure of Dy-based surface alloys on noble metals
Sina Mousavion, Ka Man Yu, Mahalingam Maniraj, Lu Lyu, Johannes Knippertz, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann
New J. Phys. 24, 033048 (2022)
Role of primary and secondary processes in the ultrafast spin dynamics of nickel
Martin Stiehl, Marius Weber, Christopher Seibel, Jonas Hoefer, Sebastian T. Weber, Dennis M. Nenno, Hans Christian Schneider, Bärbel Rethfeld, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 062410 (2022)
Energy and Momentum Distribution of Surface Plasmon-Induced Hot Carriers Isolated via Spatiotemporal Separation
Michael Hartelt, Pavel N. Terekhin, Tobias Eul, Anna-Katharina Mahro, Benjamin Frisch, Eva Prinz, Baerbel Rethfeld, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann
ACS Nano 15, 19559-19569 (2021)
Spectroscopic Evidence for a New Type of Surface Resonance at Noble-Metal Surfaces
Tobias Eul, Jürgen Braun, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Hubert Ebert, and Martin Aeschlimann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 196405 (2021)
Growth, domain structure, and atomic adsorption sites of hBN on the Ni(111) surface
Miriam Raths, Christina Schott, Johannes Knippertz, Markus Franke, You-Ron Lin, Anja Haags, Martin Aeschlimann, Christian Kumpf, and Benjamin Stadtmüller
Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 094001 (2021)
Momentum and energy dissipation of hot electrons in a Pb/Ag(111) quantum well system
Florian Haag, Tobias Eul, Lisa Grad, Norman Haag, Johannes Knippertz, Stefan Mathias, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann, and Benjamin Stadtmüller
Phys. Rev. B 104, 104308 (2021)
Ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in potassium-doped endohedral metallofullerene Sc3N@C80 thin films
Sebastian Emmerich, Sebastian Hedwig, Mirko Cinchetti, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 252, 147110 (2021)
Orbital angular momentum multiplication in plasmonic vortex cavities
Grisha Spektor, Eva Prinz, Michael Hartelt, Anna-Katharina Mahro, Martin Aeschlimann, Meir Orenstein
Sci. Adv. 2021, 7, eabg5571 (2021)
Mobilization upon Cooling
Simon Aeschlimann, Lu Lyu, Sebastian Becker, Sina Mousavion, Thomas Speck, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann, Ralf Bechstein, and Angelika Kühnle
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 1 – 7 (2021)
Ultrafast nanooptics and plasmonics by time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy
E. Prinz and M. Aeschlimann
in: The 2021 ultrafast spectroscopic probes of condensed matter roadmap
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33 (2021) 353001 - chapter 10
Ultrafast momentum microscopy—a new approach for ultrafast bandstructure imaging
B. Stadtmüller
in: The 2021 ultrafast spectroscopic probes of condensed matter roadmap
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33 (2021) 353001 - chapter 8
Functional Meta Lenses for Compound Plasmonic Vortex Field Generation and Control
Eva Prinz, Grisha Spektor, Michael Hartelt, Anna-Katharina Mahro, Martin Aeschlimann, and Meir Orenstein
Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 9, 3941–3946
Engineering of Electron Confinement through Defect‐Based Localized Polarization on SrTiO3 Surface
Junyan Chen, Wei Liu, Tobias Eul, Mingjing Chen, Xiaoyong Hu, Shufang Wang, Anquan Jiang, Hong Yang, Martin Aeschlimann, and Qihuang Gong
Adv. Electron. Mater. 2021, 2000968
Creating a regular array of metal-complexing molecules on an insulator surface at room temperature
Simon Aeschlimann, Sebastian V. Bauer, Maximilian Vogtland, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann, Andrea Floris, Ralf Bechstein & Angelika Kühnle
Nature Communications 11, 6424 (2020)
Progress on band structure engineering of twisted bilayer and two-dimensional moiré heterostructures
Wei Yao (姚维), Martin Aeschlimann, and Shuyun Zhou (周树云)
Chinese Phys. B 29, 127304 (2020)
Ultrafast Charge-Transfer Exciton Dynamics in C60 Thin Films
Sebastian Emmerich, Sebastian Hedwig, Benito Arnoldi, Johannes Stöckl, Florian Haag, Ralf Hemm, Mirko Cinchetti, Stefan Mathias, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann
J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124, 43, 23579–23587
Aperiodically ordered nano-graphene on the quasicrystalline substrate
M. Maniraj, L. Lyu, S. Mousavion, S. Becker, S. Emmerich, D. Jungkenn, D. L. Schlagel, T. A. Lograsso, S. R. Barman, S. Mathias, B. Stadtmüller, and M. Aeschlimann
New J. Phys. 22 (2020) 093056
Efficiency of ultrafast optically induced spin transfer in Heusler compounds
Daniel Steil, Jakob Walowski, Felicitas Gerhard, Tobias Kiessling, Daniel Ebke, Andy Thomas, Takahide Kubota, Mikihiko Oogane, Yasuo Ando, Johannes Otto, Andreas Mann, Moritz Hofherr, Peter Elliott, John Kay Dewhurst, Günter Reiss, Laurens Molenkamp, Martin Aeschlimann, Mirko Cinchetti, Markus Münzenberg, Sangeeta Sharma, and Stefan Mathias
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023199 (2020)
Interfacial States Cause Equal Decay of Plasmons and Hot Electrons at Gold–Metal Oxide Interfaces
Benjamin Foerster, Michael Hartelt, Sean S. E. Collins, Martin Aeschlimann, Stephan Link, and Carsten Sönnichsen
Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 5, 3338–3343
Direct evidence for efficient ultrafast charge separation in epitaxial WS2/graphene heterostructures
Sven Aeschlimann, Antonio Rossi, Mariana Chávez-Cervantes, Razvan Krause, Benito Arnoldi, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann, Stiven Forti, Filippo Fabbri, Camilla Coletti, Isabella Gierz
Sci. Adv. 2020; 6 : eaay0761
Signatures of an atomic crystal in the band structure of a C60 thin film
Norman Haag, Daniel Lüftner, Florian Haag, Johannes Seidel, Leah L. Kelly, Giovanni Zamborlini, Matteo Jugovac, Vitaliy Feyer, Martin Aeschlimann, Peter Puschnig, Mirko Cinchetti, and Benjamin Stadtmüller
Phys. Rev. B 101, 165422 (2020)
Near-field mechanism of the enhanced broadband magneto-optical activity of hybrid Au loaded Bi:YIG
Spiridon D. Pappas, Philipp Lang, Tobias Eul, Michael Hartelt, Antonio García-Martín, Burkard Hillebrands, Martin Aeschlimann, and Evangelos Th. Papaioannou
Nanoscale12, 7209-7314 (2020)
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Mn-doped L10 FePt with spatial inhomogeneity
Y. Liu, U. Bierbrauer, C. Stick, S. T. Weber, M. Hofherr, N. Y. Schmidt, M. Albrecht, D. Steil, S. Mathias, H. C. Schneider, B. Rethfeld, B. Stadtmüller, M. Aeschlimann
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 502, 166477 (2020)
Tailoring molecular island shapes: influence of microscopic interaction on mesostructure
Simon Aeschlimann, Lu Lyu, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann, and Angelika Kühnle
Nano Research 13, 843–852 (2020)
Direct light–induced spin transfer between different elements in a spintronic Heusler material via femtosecond laser excitation
Phoebe Tengdin, Christian Gentry, Adam Blonsky, Dmitriy Zusin, Michael Gerrity, Lukas Hellbrück, Moritz Hofherr, Justin Shaw, Yaroslav Kvashnin, Erna K. Delczeg-Czirjak, Monika Arora, Hans Nembach, Tom J. Silva, Stefan Mathias, Martin Aeschlimann, Henry C. Kapteyn, Danny Thonig, Konstantinos Koumpouras, Olle Eriksson, Margaret M. Murnane
Sci. Adv. 2020; 6 : eaaz1100
Ultrafast optically induced spin transfer in ferromagnetic alloys
M. Hofherr, S. Häuser, J. K. Dewhurst, P. Tengdin, S. Sakshath, H. T. Nembach, S. T. Weber, J. M. Shaw, T. J. Silva, H. C. Kapteyn, M. Cinchetti, B. Rethfeld, M. M. Murnane, D. Steil, B. Stadtmüller, S. Sharma, M. Aeschlimann, S. Mathias
Sci. Adv. 2020; 6 : eaay8717
Vertical bonding distances and interfacial band structure of PTCDA on a Sn-Ag surface alloy
Johannes Knippertz, Leah L. Kelly, Markus Franke, Christian Kumpf, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann, and Benjamin Stadtmüller
Phys. Rev. B 102, 075447 (2020)
Development of an analytical simulation framework for angle-resolved photoemission spectra
M. Feidt, S. Mathias, and M. Aeschlimann
Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 123801 (2019)- Thermal-Driven Formation of 2D Nanoporous Networks on Metal Surfaces
Lu Lyu, Maniraj Mahalingam, Sina Mousavion, Sebastian Becker, Han Huang, Martin Aeschlimann, and Benjamin Stadtmüller
J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 26263-26271 (2019)
Time-resolved two-photon momentum microscopy—A new approach to study hot carrier lifetimes in momentum space
Florian Haag, Tobias Eul, Philip Thielen, Norman Haag, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 103104 (2019)
- Modification of Pb quantum well states by the adsorption of organic molecules
Benjamin Stadtmüller, Lisa Grad, Johannes Seidel, Florian Haag, Norman Haag, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31, 134005 (2019)
- A case study for the formation of stanene on a metal surface
M. Maniraj, B. Stadtmüller, D. Jungkenn, M. Düvel, S. Emmerich, W. Shi, J. Stöckl, L. Lyu, J. Kollamana, Z. Wei, A. Jurenkow, S. Jakobs, B. Yan, S. Steil, M. Cinchetti, S. Mathias and M. Aeschlimann
Communications Physics 2, 12 (2019)
- Enhancing Light Emission in Interface Engineered Spin-OLEDs through Spin-Polarized Injection at High Voltages
Juan Pablo Prieto-Ruiz, Sara García Miralles, Helena Prima-García, Angel López-Muñoz, Alberto Riminucci, Patrizio Graziosi, Martin Aeschlimann, Mirko Cinchetti, Valentin Alek Dediu and Eugenio Coronado
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.), e1806817 (2019)
- Equivalence of RABBITT and Streaking Delays in Attosecond-Time-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy at Solid Surfaces
Andreas Gebauer, Sergej Neb, Walter Enns, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann and Walter Pfeiffer
Appl. Sci. 9 (3), 592 (2019
- Strong modification of the transport level alignment in organic materials after optical excitation
Benjamin Stadtmüller, Sebastian Emmerich, Dominik Jungkenn, Norman Haag, Markus Rollinger, Steffen Eich, Mahalingam Maniraj, Martin Aeschlimann, Mirko Cinchetti, and Stefan Mathias
Nature Communications 10, 1470 (2019)
- Design and construction of a linear motion drive and sample transfer system
M. Maniraj and S. Mousavion
Vacuum 167 (2019) 195–198
Mixing the Light Spin with Plasmon Orbit by Nonlinear Light-Matter Interaction in Gold
G. Spektor, D. Kilbane, A. K. Mahro, M. Hartelt, E. Prinz, M. Aeschlimann, and M. Orenstein
Phys. Rev. X 9, 021031 (2019)
- Adsorption-induced pyramidal distortion of the trimetallic nitride core inside the endohedral fullerene Sc3N@C80 on the Ag(111) surface
Johannes Seidel, Leah L. Kelly, Markus Franke, Gerben van Straaten, Christian Kumpf, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann and Benjamin Stadtmüller
Physical Review B 98, 085434 (2018) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.085434
- Control of Cooperativity through a Reversible Structural Phase Transition in MoMo-Methyl/Cu(111)
Jobynson Kollamana, Zheng Wei, Lu Lyu, Manuel Zimmer, Fabian Dietrich, Tobias Eul, Johannes Stöckl, Mahalingam Maniraj, Stefano Ponzoni, Mirko Cinchetti, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Markus Gerhards and Martin Aeschlimann
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (16), 1703544 (2018) DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201703544
- Direct Observation of Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation and Interference by Time-Resolved Imaging in Normal-Incidence Two Photon Photoemission Microscopy
Philip Kahl, Daniel Podbiel, Christian Schneider, Andreas Makris, Simon Sindermann, Christian Witt, Deirdre Kilbane, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, Martin Aeschlimann and Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
Plasmonics 13 (1), 239–246 (2018) DOI: 10.1007/s11468-017-0504-6
- Energy enhancement of the target surface electron by using a 200 TW sub-picosecond laser
J. Y. Mao, O. Rosmej, Y. Ma, M. H. Li, B. Aurand, F. Gaertner, W. M. Wang, J. Urbancic, A. Schoenlein, B. Zielbauer, U. Eisenbarth, V. Bagnoud, F. Wagner, F. Horst, M. Syha, S. Mathias, Y. T. Li, M. Aeschlimann, L. M. Chen and T. Kuehl
Optics Letters 43 (16), 3909–3912 (2018) DOI: 10.1364/OL.43.003909
- Induced versus intrinsic magnetic moments in ultrafast magnetization dynamics
M. Hofherr, S. Moretti, J. Shim, S. Häuser, N. Y. Safonova, M. Stiehl, A. Ali, S. Sakshath, J. W. Kim, D. H. Kim, H. J. Kim, J. I. Hong, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, M. Cinchetti, D. Steil, S. Mathias, B. Stadtmüller, M. Albrecht, D. E. Kim, U. Nowak and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 98, 174419 (2018) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.174419
- Role of the Central Metal Atom in Substrate-Mediated Molecular Interactions in Phthalocyanine-Based Heteromolecular Monolayers
Gerben van Straaten, Markus Franke, Serguei Soubatch, Benjamin Stadtmüller, David A. Duncan, Tien-Lin Lee, F. Stefan Tautz and Christian Kumpf
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (15), 8491–8504 (2018) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b02689
- Spin- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Study of the Alq3/Co Interface
Johannes Stöckl, Anatol Jurenkow, Nicolas Großmann, Mirko Cinchetti, Benjamin Stadtmüller and Martin Aeschlimann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (12), 6585–6592 (2018) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b10825
- Structure and electronic properties of the (√3×√3) R30° SnAu2/Au(111) surface alloy
M. Maniraj, D. Jungkenn, W. Shi, S. Emmerich, L. Lyu, J. Kollamana, Z. Wei, B. Yan, M. Cinchetti, S. Mathias, B. Stadtmüller and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 98, 205419 (2018) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.205419
- Adaptation of acoustic model experiments of STM via smartphones and tablets
Michael Thees, Katrin Hochberg, Jochen Kuhn and Martin Aeschlimann
The Physics Teacher 55 (7), 436–437 (2017) DOI: 10.1119/1.5003749
- Band structure evolution during the ultrafast ferromagnetic-paramagnetic phase transition in cobalt
Steffen Eich, Moritz Plötzing, Markus Rollinger, Sebastian Emmerich, Roman Adam, Cong Chen, Henry Cornelius Kapteyn, Margaret M. Murnane, Lukasz Plucinski, Daniel Steil, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann, Claus M. Schneider and Stefan Mathias
Science Advances 3 (3), e1602094 (2017) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602094
- Design of Molecular Spintronics Devices Containing Molybdenum Oxide as Hole Injection Layer
Juan Pablo Prieto-Ruiz, Sara G. Miralles, Nicolas Großmann, Martin Aeschlimann, Mirko Cinchetti, Helena Prima-García and Eugenio Coronado
Advanced Electronic Materials 3, 1600366 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201600366
- Distinguishing attosecond electron-electron scattering and screening in transition metals
Cong Chen, Zhensheng Tao, Adra Carr, Piotr Matyba, Tibor Szilvási, Sebastian Emmerich, Martin Piecuch, Mark Keller, Dmitriy Zusin, Steffen Eich, Markus Rollinger, Wenjing You, Stefan Mathias, Uwe Thumm, Manos Mavrikakis, Martin Aeschlimann, Peter M. Oppeneer, Henry Kapteyn and Margaret Murnane
PNAS 114 (27), e5300-e5307 (2017) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1706466114
- Fully Atomistic Understanding of the Electronic and Optical Properties of a Prototypical Doped Charge-Transfer Interface
Anu Baby, Marco Gruenewald, Christian Zwick, Felix Otto, Roman Forker, Gerben van Straaten, Markus Franke, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Christian Kumpf, Gian Paolo Brivio, Guido Fratesi, Torsten Fritz and Egbert Zojer
ACS Nano 11, 10495–10508 (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b05828
- Revealing the subfemtosecond dynamics of orbital angular momentum in nanoplasmonic vortices
G. Spektor, D. Kilbane, A. K. Mahro, B. Frank, S. Ristok, L. Gal, P. Kahl, D. Podbiel, S. Mathias, H. Giessen, F.-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, M. Orenstein and M. Aeschlimann
Science 355 (6330), 1187–1191 (2017) DOI: 10.1126/science.aaj1699
- Speed and efficiency of femtosecond spin current injection into a nonmagnetic material
M. Hofherr, P. Maldonado, O. Schmitt, M. Berritta, U. Bierbrauer, S. Sadashivaiah, A. J. Schellekens, B. Koopmans, D. Steil, M. Cinchetti, B. Stadtmüller, P. M. Oppeneer, S. Mathias and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 96, 100403 (2017) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.100403
- Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Nickel: impact of pump photon energy
Ute Bierbrauer, Sebastian T. Weber, David Schummer, Moritz Barkowski, Anna-Katharina Mahro, Stefan Mathias, Hans Christian Schneider, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann and Baerbel Rethfeld
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 244002 (2017) DOI: 10.1088/1361-648X/aa6f73
- Cavity-assisted ultrafast long-range periodic energy transfer between plasmonic nanoantennas
Martin Aeschlimann, Tobias Brixner, Mirko Cinchetti, Benjamin Frisch, Bert Hecht, Matthias Hensen, Bernhard Huber, Christian Kramer, Enno Krauss, Thomas H. Loeber, Walter Pfeiffer, Martin Piecuch and Philip Thielen
Light: Science & Applications 6 (11), e17111 (2017) DOI: 10.1038/lsa.2017.111
- Adsorption heights and bonding strength of organic molecules on a Pb-Ag surface alloy
Benjamin Stadtmüller, Norman Haag, Johannes Seidel, Gerben van Straaten, Markus Franke, Christian Kumpf, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 94, 235436 (2016) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.235436
- Charge transfer and symmetry reduction at the CuPc/Ag(110) interface studied by photoemission tomography
K. Schönauer, S. Weiss, V. Feyer, D. Lüftner, B. Stadtmüller, D. Schwarz, T. Sueyoshi, C. Kumpf, P. Puschnig, M. G. Ramsey, F. S. Tautz and S. Soubatch
Physical Review B 94, 205144 (2016) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.205144
- Controlled manipulation of the Co-Alq3 interface by rational design of Alq3 derivatives
Nicolas Grossmann, Andrea Magri, Martin Laux, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Philip Thielen, Bernhard Schäfer, Olaf Fuhr, Mario Ruben, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Dalton Transactions 45 (45), 18365–18376 (2016) DOI: 10.1039/c6dt03183h
- Determination of local optical response functions of nanostructures with increasing complexity by using single and coupled Lorentzian oscillator models
Martin Aeschlimann, Tobias Brixner, Alexander Fischer, Matthias Hensen, Bernhard Huber, Deirdre Kilbane, Christian Kramer, Walter Pfeiffer, Martin Piecuch and Philip Thielen
Applied Physics B 122, 199 (2016) DOI: 10.1007/s00340-016-6471-3
- Dynamic spin filtering at the Co/Alq3 interface mediated by weakly coupled second layer molecules
Andrea Droghetti, Philip Thielen, Ivan Rungger, Norman Haag, Nicolas Grossmann, Johannes Stöckl, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann, Stefano Sanvito and Mirko Cinchetti
Nature Communications 7, 12668 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12668
- Editorial to the Topical Issue “Ultrafast Nanooptics”
Walter Pfeiffer and Martin Aeschlimann
Applied Physics B 122 (5), 153 (2016) DOI: 10.1007/s00340-016-6414-z
- Epitaxial growth of thermally stable cobalt films on Au(111)
N. Haag, M. Laux, J. Stöckl, J. Kollamana, J. Seidel, N. Großmann, R. Fetzer, L. L. Kelly, Z. Wei, B. Stadtmüller, M. Cinchetti and M. Aeschlimann
New Journal of Physics 18, 103054 (2016) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/18/10/103054
- Impact of CoFe buffer layers on the structural and electronic properties of the Co2MnSi/MgO interface
Roman Fetzer, Hong-xi Liu, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Tetsuya Uemura, Masafumi Yamamoto, Martin Aeschlimann and Mirko Cinchetti
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49, 195002 (2016) DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/49/19/195002
- Light Localization and Magneto-Optic Enhancement in Ni Antidot Arrays
Markus Rollinger, Philip Thielen, Emil Melander, Erik Ostman, Vassilios Kapaklis, Bjorn Obry, Mirko Cinchetti, Antonio Garcia-Martin, Martin Aeschlimann and Evangelos Th Papaioannou
Nano Letters 16 (4), 2432–2438 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b05279
- Microsphere-based cantilevers for polarization-resolved and femtosecond SNOM
C. A. González Mora, M. Hartelt, D. Bayer, M. Aeschlimann, E. A. Ilin and E. Oesterschulze
Applied Physics B 122, 86 (2016) DOI: 10.1007/s00340-016-6359-2
- Modifying the Surface of a Rashba-Split Pb-Ag Alloy Using Tailored Metal-Organic Bonds
Benjamin Stadtmüller, Johannes Seidel, Norman Haag, Lisa Grad, Christian Tusche, Gerben van Straaten, Markus Franke, Jürgen Kirschner, Christian Kumpf, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Physical Review Letters 117, 096805 (2016) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.096805
- Normal-Incidence PEEM Imaging of Propagating Modes in a Plasmonic Nanocircuit
Gary Razinskas, Deirdre Kilbane, Pascal Melchior, Peter Geisler, Enno Krauss, Stefan Mathias, Bert Hecht and Martin Aeschlimann
Nano Letters 16 (11), 6832–6837 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02569
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Ordered C60 Submonolayer Films on Co/Au(111)
Jobynson Kollamana, Zheng Wei, Martin Laux, Johannes Stöckl, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (14), 7568–7574 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b12365
- Self-amplified photo-induced gap quenching in a correlated electron material
S. Mathias, S. Eich, J. Urbancic, S. Michael, A. V. Carr, S. Emmerich, A. Stange, T. Popmintchev, T. Rohwer, M. Wiesenmayer, A. Ruffing, S. Jakobs, S. Hellmann, P. Matyba, C. Chen, L. Kipp, M. Bauer, H. C. Kapteyn, H. C. Schneider, K. Rossnagel, M. M. Murnane and M. Aeschlimann
Nature Communications 7, 12902 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12902
- Spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy using femtosecond extreme ultraviolet light pulses from high-order harmonic generation
M. Plotzing, R. Adam, C. Weier, L. Plucinski, S. Eich, S. Emmerich, M. Rollinger, M. Aeschlimann, S. Mathias and C. M. Schneider
The Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 043903 (2016) DOI: 10.1063/1.4946782
- Stoner versus Heisenberg. Ultrafast exchange reduction and magnon generation during laser-induced demagnetization
Emrah Turgut, Dmitriy Zusin, Dominik Legut, Karel Carva, Ronny Knut, Justin M. Shaw, Cong Chen, Zhensheng Tao, Hans T. Nembach, Thomas J. Silva, Stefan Mathias, Martin Aeschlimann, Peter M. Oppeneer, Henry C. Kapteyn, Margaret M. Murnane and Patrik Grychtol
Physical Review B 94, 220408 (2016) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.220408
- Submonolayer and multilayer growth of titaniumoxide-phthalocyanine on Ag(111)
Ingo Kröger, Benjamin Stadtmüller and Christian Kumpf
New Journal of Physics 18, 113022 (2016) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/18/11/113022
- All-Optical Switching in CoTb Alloys: Composition and Thickness Dependent Studies
Ute Bierbrauer, Sabine Alebrand, Michel Hehn, Matthias Gottwald, Daniel Steil, Daniel Lacour, Eric E. Fullerton, Stéphane Mangin, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
In: Ultrafast Magnetism I, Springer Proceedings in Physics 159, 244–247 (2015) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07743-7_76
- Controlling the Spin Texture of Topological Insulators by Rational Design of Organic Molecules
Sebastian Jakobs, Awadhesh Narayan, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Andrea Droghetti, Ivan Rungger, Yew S. Hor, Svetlana Klyatskaya, Dominik Jungkenn, Johannes Stöckl, Martin Laux, Oliver L. A. Monti, Martin Aeschlimann, Robert J. Cava, Mario Ruben, Stefan Mathias, Stefano Sanvito and Mirko Cinchetti
Nano Letters 15 (9), 6022–6029 (2015) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02213
- Electron Lifetimes in a 2D Electron-Gas with Rashba SO-Coupling: Screening Properties
S. Vollmar, A. Ruffing, S. Jakobs, A. Baral, S. Kaltenborn, M. Cinchetti, M. Aeschlimann, S. Mathias and H. C. Schneider
In: Ultrafast Magnetism I, Springer Proceedings in Physics 159, 175–178 (2015) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07743-7_56
- Electronic Scattering Dynamics and Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics
M. Aeschlimann, D. Steil, M. Cinchetti and H. C. Schneider
In: Ultrafast Magnetism I, Springer Proceedings in Physics 159, 27–29 (2015) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07743-7_9
- Element Selective Investigation of Spin Dynamics in Magnetic Multilayers
Dennis Rudolf, Chan La-O-Vorakiat, Marco Battiato, Roman Adam, Patrik Grychtol, Justin M. Shaw, Emrah Turgut, Pablo Maldonado, Stefan Mathias, Hans T. Nembach, Thomas J. Silva, Martin Aeschlimann, Henry C. Kapteyn, Margaret M. Murnane, Peter M. Oppeneer and Claus M. Schneider
In: Ultrafast Magnetism I, Springer Proceedings in Physics 159, 307–309 (2015) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07743-7_95
- Highly collimated monoenergetic target-surface electron acceleration in near-critical-density plasmas
J. Y. Mao, L. M. Chen, K. Huang, Y. Ma, J. R. Zhao, D. Z. Li, W. C. Yan, J. L. Ma, M. Aeschlimann, Z. Y. Wei and J. Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 106 (13), 131105 (2015) DOI: 10.1063/1.4916636
- Hot electron lifetimes in metals probed by time-resolved two-photon photoemission
M. Bauer, A. Marienfeld and M. Aeschlimann
Progress in Surface Science 90 (3), 319–376 (2015) DOI: 10.1016/j.progsurf.2015.05.001
- Impact of local order and stoichiometry on the ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Heusler compounds
Daniel Steil, Oliver Schmitt, Roman Fetzer, Takahide Kubota, Hiroshi Naganuma, Mikihiko Oogane, Yasuo Ando, Steven Rodan, Christian G. F. Blum, Benjamin Balke, Sabine Wurmehl, Martin Aeschlimann and Mirko Cinchetti
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (16), 164016 (2015) DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/48/16/164016
- Influence of alkylphosphonic acid grafting on the electronic and magnetic properties of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 surfaces
Marta Galbiati, Sergio Tatay, Sophie Delprat, Clément Barraud, Vincent Cros, Eric Jacquet, Fernando Coloma, Fadi Choueikani, Edwige Otero, Philippe Ohresser, Norman Haag, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann, Pierre Seneor, Richard Mattana and Frédéric Petroff
Applied Surface Science 353, 24–28 (2015) DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.06.051
- Perfect absorption in nanotextured thin films via Anderson-localized photon modes
Martin Aeschlimann, Tobias Brixner, Dominik Differt, Ulrich Heinzmann, Matthias Hensen, Christian Kramer, Florian Lükermann, Pascal Melchior, Walter Pfeiffer, Martin Piecuch, Christian Schneider, Helmut Stiebig, Christian Strüber and Philip Thielen
Nature Photonics 9 (10), 663–668 (2015) DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2015.159
- Photoelectron imaging of modal interference in plasmonic whispering gallery cavities
Pascal Melchior, Deirdre Kilbane, Ernst Jan Vesseur, Albert Polman and Martin Aeschlimann
Optics Express 23 (25), 31619–31626 (2015) DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.031619
- Probing the electronic and spintronic properties of buried interfaces by extremely low energy photoemission spectroscopy
Roman Fetzer, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Yusuke Ohdaira, Hiroshi Naganuma, Mikihiko Oogane, Yasuo Ando, Tomoyuki Taira, Tetsuya Uemura, Masafumi Yamamoto, Martin Aeschlimann and Mirko Cinchetti
Scientific Reports 5, 8537 (2015) DOI: 10.1038/srep08537
- Relaxation Dynamics of Majority and Minority Electrons After Ultrashort Laser Excitation
B. Y. Mueller, M. Cinchetti, M. Aeschlimann, H. C. Schneider and B. Rethfeld
In: Ultrafast Magnetism I, Springer Proceedings in Physics 159, 116–119 (2015) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07743-7_37
- Spin optics. Between two spins
Mirko Cinchetti
Nature Photonics 9 (8), 489–490 (2015) DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2015.135
- Spin structure of Rashba-split electronic states of Bi overlayers on Cu(111)
S. Jakobs, A. Ruffing, D. Jungkenn, M. Cinchetti, S. Mathias and M. Aeschlimann
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 201, 47–52 (2015) DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2014.09.003
- Spin-resolved low-energy and hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of off-stoichiometric Co2MnSi Heusler thin films exhibiting a record TMR
Roman Fetzer, Siham Ouardi, Yusuke Honda, Hong-xi Liu, Stanislav Chadov, Benjamin Balke, Shigenori Ueda, Motohiro Suzuki, Tetsuya Uemura, Masafumi Yamamoto, Martin Aeschlimann, Mirko Cinchetti, Gerhard H. Fecher and Claudia Felser
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (16), 164002 (2015) DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/48/16/164002
- Thermally Assisted All-Optical Helicity Dependent Switching of Ferrimagnetic Amorphous Fe100−xTbx Thin Films
A. Hassdenteufel, B. Hebler, C. Schubert, A. Liebig, M. Teich, J. Schmidt, M. Helm, M. Aeschlimann, M. Albrecht and R. Bratschitsch
In: Ultrafast Magnetism I, Springer Proceedings in Physics 159, 238–240 (2015) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07743-7_74
- Topological states on the gold surface
Binghai Yan, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Norman Haag, Sebastian Jakobs, Johannes Seidel, Dominik Jungkenn, Stefan Mathias, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann and Claudia Felser
Nature Communications 6, 10167 (2015) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10167
- Ultrafast, Element-Specific Magnetization Dynamics of Multi-constituent Magnetic Materials by Use of High-Harmonic Generation
T. J. Silva, E. Turgut, S. Mathias, C. La-o-vorakiat, P. Grychtol, R. Adam, D. Rudolf, H. T. Nembach, M. Aeschlimann, C. M. Schneider, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane and J. M. Shaw
In: Ultrafast Magnetism I, Springer Proceedings in Physics 159, 300–302 (2015) DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-07743-7_93
- Vibron-assisted spin relaxation at a metal/organic interface
A. Droghetti, I. Rungger, M. Cinchetti and S. Sanvito
Physical Review B 91 (22), 224427 (2015) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.224427
- All-optical control of ferromagnetic thin films and nanostructures
C-H Lambert, S. Mangin, B. S. D. Ch S. Varaprasad, Y. K. Takahashi, M. Hehn, M. Cinchetti, G. Malinowski, K. Hono, Y. Fainman, M. Aeschlimann and E. E. Fullerton
Science 345 (6202), 1337–1340 (2014) DOI: 10.1126/science.1253493
- Electronic and magnetic properties of the interface between metal-quinoline molecules and cobalt
Andrea Droghetti, Sabine Steil, Nicolas Großmann, Norman Haag, Hongtao Zhang, Maureen Willis, William P. Gillin, Alan J. Drew, Martin Aeschlimann, Stefano Sanvito and Mirko Cinchetti
Physical Review B 89, 094412 (2014) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.094412
- Electronic structure of metal quinoline molecules from G0W0 calculations
A. Droghetti, Mirko Cinchetti and Stefano Sanvito
Physical Review B 89, 245137 (2014) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.245137
- Engineered materials for all-optical helicity-dependent magnetic switching
S. Mangin, M. Gottwald, C-H Lambert, D. Steil, V. Uhlir, L. Pang, M. Hehn, S. Alebrand, M. Cinchetti, G. Malinowski, Y. Fainman, M. Aeschlimann and E. E. Fullerton
Nature Materials 13 (3), 286–292 (2014) DOI: 10.1038/nmat3864
- Kerr and Faraday microscope for space- and time-resolved studies
Oliver Schmitt, Daniel Steil, Sabine Alebrand, Fabian Ganss, Michel Hehn, Stéphane Mangin, Manfred Albrecht, Stefan Mathias, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
The European Physical Journal B 87, 219 (2014) DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2014-50257-3
- Molecular spintronics: Topology communicates
Mirko Cinchetti
Nature Nanotechnology 9 (12), 965–966 (2014) DOI: 10.1038/nnano.2014.284
- Normal-Incidence Photoemission Electron Microscopy (NI-PEEM) for Imaging Surface Plasmon Polaritons
Philip Kahl, Simone Wall, Christian Witt, Christian Schneider, Daniela Bayer, Alexander Fischer, Pascal Melchior, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, Martin Aeschlimann and Frank-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf
Plasmonics 9 (6), 1401–1407 (2014) DOI: 10.1007/s11468-014-9756-6
- Spin-orbit enhanced demagnetization rate in Co/Pt-multilayers
K. C. Kuiper, T. Roth, A. J. Schellekens, O. Schmitt, B. Koopmans, M. Cinchetti and M. Aeschlimann
Applied Physics Letters 105 (20), 202402 (2014) DOI: 10.1063/1.4902069
- Subpicosecond magnetization dynamics in TbCo alloys
Sabine Alebrand, Ute Bierbrauer, Michel Hehn, Matthias Gottwald, Oliver Schmitt, Daniel Steil, Eric E. Fullerton, Stéphane Mangin, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 89 (14), 144404 (2014) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.144404
- Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with optimized high-harmonic pulses using frequency-doubled Ti. Sapphire lasers
S. Eich, A. Stange, A. V. Carr, J. Urbancic, T. Popmintchev, M. Wiesenmayer, K. Jansen, A. Ruffing, S. Jakobs, T. Rohwer, S. Hellmann, C. Chen, P. Matyba, L. Kipp, K. Rossnagel, M. Bauer, M. M. Murnane, H. C. Kapteyn, S. Mathias and M. Aeschlimann
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 195, 231–236 (2014) DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2014.04.013
- Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Co-based Heusler compounds with tuned chemical ordering
D. Steil, O. Schmitt, R. Fetzer, T. Kubota, H. Naganuma, M. Oogane, Y. Ando, A. K Suszka, O. Idigoras, G. Wolf, B. Hillebrands, A. Berger, M. Aeschlimann and M. Cinchetti
New Journal of Physics 16 (6), 063068 (2014) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/16/6/063068
- Controlling the competition between optically induced ultrafast spin-flip scattering and spin transport in magnetic multilayers
Emrah Turgut, Chan La-O-Vorakiat, Justin M. Shaw, Patrik Grychtol, Hans T. Nembach, Dennis Rudolf, Roman Adam, Martin Aeschlimann, Claus M. Schneider, Thomas J. Silva, Margaret M. Murnane, Henry C. Kapteyn and Stefan Mathias
Physical Review Letters 110, 197201 (2013) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.197201
- Energy-resolved magnetic domain imaging in TbCo alloys by valence band photoemission magnetic circular dichroism
Pascal Melchior, Markus Rollinger, Philip Thielen, Sabine Alebrand, Ute Bierbrauer, Christian Schneider, Matthias Gottwald, Michel Hehn, Stéphane Mangin, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 88, 104415 (2013) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.104415
- Feedback effect during ultrafast demagnetization dynamics in ferromagnets
B. Y. Mueller, A. Baral, S. Vollmar, M. Cinchetti, M. Aeschlimann, H. C. Schneider and B. Rethfeld
Physical Review Letters 111, 167204 (2013) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.167204
- Orbital angular momentum structure of an unoccupied spin-split quantum-well state in Pb/Cu(111)
S. Jakobs, A. Ruffing, M. Cinchetti, S. Mathias and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 87, 235438 (2013) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.235438
- Organische Spinventile
Sabine Steil, Stefan Mathias, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Physik In Unserer Zeit 44 (3), 111–112 (2013) DOI: 10.1002/piuz.201390042
- Reply to “Comment on ‘Ultrafast Demagnetization Measurements Using Extreme Ultraviolet Light. Comparison of Electronic and Magnetic Contributions’ ”
Emrah Turgut, Patrik Grychtol, Chan La-O-Vorakiat, Daniel E. Adams, Henry C. Kapteyn, Margaret M. Murnane, Stefan Mathias, Martin Aeschlimann, Claus M. Schneider, Justin M. Shaw, Hans T. Nembach and Thomas J. Silva
Physical Review X 3, 38002 (2013) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.3.038002
- Spatiotemporal characterization of SPP pulse propagation in two-dimensional plasmonic focusing devices
Christoph Lemke, Christian Schneider, Till Leissner, Daniela Bayer, Jorn W. Radke, Alexander Fischer, Pascal Melchior, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, Boris N. Chichkov, Carsten Reinhardt, Michael Bauer and Martin Aeschlimann
Nano Letters 13 (3), 1053–1058 (2013) DOI: 10.1021/nl3042849
- Spin-dependent electronic structure of the Co/Al(OP)3 interface
Sabine Müller, Sabine Steil, Andrea Droghetti, Nicolas Großmann, Velimir Meded, Andrea Magri, Bernhard Schäfer, Olaf Fuhr, Stefano Sanvito, Mario Ruben, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
New Journal of Physics 15, 113054 (2013) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/11/113054
- Spin-dependent trapping of electrons at spinterfaces
Sabine Steil, Nicolas Großmann, Martin Laux, Andreas Ruffing, Daniel Steil, Martin Wiesenmayer, Stefan Mathias, Oliver L. A. Monti, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Nature Physics 9 (4), 242–247 (2013) DOI: 10.1038/nphys2548
- Structural, chemical, and electronic properties of the Co2MnSi(001)/MgO interface
Roman Fetzer, Jan-Peter Wüstenberg, Tomoyuki Taira, Tetsuya Uemura, Masafumi Yamamoto, Martin Aeschlimann and Mirko Cinchetti
Physical Review B 87, 184418 (2013) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.184418
- Tailoring the energy level alignment at the Co/Alq3 interface by controlled cobalt oxidation
Norman Haag, Sabine Steil, Nicolas Großmann, Roman Fetzer, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Applied Physics Letters 103 (25), 251603 (2013) DOI: 10.1063/1.4850527
- Thermally assisted all-optical helicity dependent magnetic switching in amorphous Fe(100-x)Tb(x) alloy films
Alexander Hassdenteufel, Birgit Hebler, Christian Schubert, Andreas Liebig, Martin Teich, Manfred Helm, Martin Aeschlimann, Manfred Albrecht and Rudolf Bratschitsch
Advanced Materials 25 (22), 3122–3128 (2013) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201300176
- Ultrafast electron dynamics in a metallic quantum well nanofilm with spin splitting
A. Ruffing, S. Vollmar, S. Jakobs, S. Kaltenborn, A. Baral, M. Cinchetti, S. Mathias, H. C. Schneider and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 88, 075148 (2013) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.075148
- Ultrafast element-specific magnetization dynamics of complex magnetic materials on a table-top
Stefan Mathias, Chan La-O-Vorakiat, Justin M. Shaw, Emrah Turgut, Patrik Grychtol, Roman Adam, Dennis Rudolf, Hans T. Nembach, Thomas J. Silva, Martin Aeschlimann, Claus M. Schneider, Henry C. Kapteyn and Margaret M. Murnane
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 189, 164–170 (2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2012.11.013
- All-optical magnetization switching using phase shaped ultrashort laser pulses
Sabine Alebrand, Alexander Hassdenteufel, Daniel Steil, Marianne Bader, Alexander Fischer, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Phys. Status Solidi A 209 (12), 2589–2595 (2012) DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201228500
- Interplay of heating and helicity in all-optical magnetization switching
Sabine Alebrand, Alexander Hassdenteufel, Daniel Steil, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 85, 092401 (2012) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.092401
- Nano-Optical Control of Hot-Spot Field Superenhancement on a Corrugated Silver Surface
M. Aeschlimann, T. Brixner, S. Cunovic, A. Fischer, P. Melchior, W. Pfeiffer, M. Rohmer, C. Schneider, C. Strüber, P. Tuchscherer and D. V. Voronine
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 18 (1), 275–282 (2012) DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2011.2119470
- Optimal open-loop near-field control of plasmonic nanostructures
Martin Aeschlimann, Michael Bauer, Daniela Bayer, Tobias Brixner, Stefan Cunovic, Alexander Fischer, Pascal Melchior, Walter Pfeiffer, Martin Rohmer, Christian Schneider, Christian Strüber, Philip Tuchscherer and Dmitri V. Voronine
New Journal of Physics 14, 033030 (2012) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/14/3/033030
- Probing the timescale of the exchange interaction in a ferromagnetic alloy
Stefan Mathias, Chan La-O-Vorakiat, Patrik Grychtol, Patrick Granitzka, Emrah Turgut, Justin M. Shaw, Roman Adam, Hans T. Nembach, Mark E. Siemens, Steffen Eich, Claus M. Schneider, Thomas J. Silva, Martin Aeschlimann, Margaret M. Murnane and Henry C. Kapteyn
PNAS 109 (13), 4792–4797 (2012) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1201371109
- Surface spin polarization of the nonstoichiometric Heusler alloy Co2MnSi
Jan-Peter Wüstenberg, Roman Fetzer, Martin Aeschlimann, Mirko Cinchetti, Jan Minár, Jürgen Braun, Hubert Ebert, Takayuki Ishikawa, Tetsuya Uemura and Masafumi Yamamoto
Physical Review B 85, 064407 (2012) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.064407
- Symmetry breaking via orbital-dependent reconstruction of electronic structure in detwinned NaFeAs
Y. Zhang, C. He, Z. R. Ye, J. Jiang, F. Chen, M. Xu, Q. Q. Ge, B. P. Xie, J. Wei, M. Aeschlimann, X. Y. Cui, M. Shi, J. P. Hu and D. L. Feng
Physical Review B 85, 085121 (2012) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.085121
- Temperature Dependence of Laser-Induced Demagnetization in Ni. A Key for Identifying the Underlying Mechanism
T. Roth, A. J. Schellekens, S. Alebrand, O. Schmitt, D. Steil, B. Koopmans, M. Cinchetti and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review X 2, 021006 (2012) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.2.021006
- Ultrafast Demagnetization Measurements Using Extreme Ultraviolet Light. Comparison of Electronic and Magnetic Contributions
Chan La-O-Vorakiat, Emrah Turgut, Carson A. Teale, Henry C. Kapteyn, Margaret M. Murnane, Stefan Mathias, Martin Aeschlimann, Claus M. Schneider, Justin M. Shaw, Hans T. Nembach and T. J. Silva
Physical Review X 2, 011005 (2012) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.2.011005
- Ultrafast magnetization enhancement in metallic multilayers driven by superdiffusive spin current
Dennis Rudolf, Chan La-O-Vorakiat, Marco Battiato, Roman Adam, Justin M. Shaw, Emrah Turgut, Pablo Maldonado, Stefan Mathias, Patrik Grychtol, Hans T. Nembach, Thomas J. Silva, Martin Aeschlimann, Henry C. Kapteyn, Margaret M. Murnane, Claus M. Schneider and Peter M. Oppeneer
Nature Communications 3, 1037 (2012) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2029
- All-optical magnetization recording by tailoring optical excitation parameters
Daniel Steil, Sabine Alebrand, Alexander Hassdenteufel, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 84, 224408 (2011) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.224408
- Coherent Two-Dimensional Nanoscopy
Martin Aeschlimann, Tobias Brixner, Alexander Fischer, Christian Kramer, Pascal Melchior, Walter Pfeiffer, Christian Schneider, Christian Strüber, Philip Tuchscherer and Dmitri V. Voronine
Science 333 (6050), 1723–1726 (2011) DOI: 10.1126/science.1209206
- Collapse of long-range charge order tracked by time-resolved photoemission at high momenta
Timm Rohwer, Stefan Hellmann, Martin Wiesenmayer, Christian Sohrt, Ankatrin Stange, Bartosz Slomski, Adra Carr, Yanwei Liu, Luis Miaja Avila, Matthias Kallane, Stefan Mathias, Lutz Kipp, Kai Rossnagel and Michael Bauer
Nature 471 (7339), 490–493 (2011) DOI: 10.1038/nature09829
- Driving force of ultrafast magnetization dynamics
B. Y. Mueller, T. Roth, M. Cinchetti, M. Aeschlimann and B. Rethfeld
New Journal of Physics 13, 123010 (2011) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/13/12/123010
- Indirect Magnetic Coupling of Manganese Porphyrin to a Ferromagnetic Cobalt Substrate
D. Chylarecka, T. K. Kim, K. Tarafder, K. Müller, K. Gödel, I. Czekaj, C. Wäckerlin, M. Cinchetti, Md. E. Ali, C. Piamonteze, F. Schmitt, J.-P. Wüstenberg, C. Ziegler, F. Nolting, M. Aeschlimann, P. M. Oppeneer, N. Ballav and T. A. Jung
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (4), 1295–1301 (2011) DOI: 10.1021/jp106822s
- Investigation of the spin-dependent properties of electron doped cobalt–CuPc interfaces
Sabine Steil, Kathrin Goedel, Andreas Ruffing, Indranil Sarkar, Mirko Cinchetti and Martin Aeschlimann
Synthetic Metals 161 (7-8), 570–574 (2011) DOI: 10.1016/j.synthmet.2010.11.031
- Magnetostatic coupling of 90° domain walls in Fe19Ni81/Cu/Co trilayers
J. Kurde, J. Miguel, D. Bayer, J. Sánchez-Barriga, F. Kronast, M. Aeschlimann, H. A. Dürr and W. Kuch
New Journal of Physics 13, 033015 (2011) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/13/3/033015
- Optical near-field interference in the excitation of a bowtie nanoantenna
P. Melchior, D. Bayer, C. Schneider, A. Fischer, M. Rohmer, W. Pfeiffer and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 83, 235407 (2011) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.235407
- Spin scattering and spin-polarized hybrid interface states at a metal-organic interface
T. Methfessel, S. Steil, N. Baadji, N. Großmann, K. Koffler, S. Sanvito, M. Aeschlimann, M. Cinchetti and H. J. Elmers
Physical Review B 84, 224403 (2011) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.224403
- Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in the half-metallic Heusler alloy Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al
Jan-Peter Wüstenberg, Daniel Steil, Sabine Alebrand, Tobias Roth, Martin Aeschlimann and Mirko Cinchetti
Phys. Status Solidi B 248 (10), 2330–2337 (2011) DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201147087
Time‐resolved photoelectron nano‐spectroscopy of individual silver particles: Perspectives and limitations
Martin Rohmer, Michael Bauer, Till Leissner, Christian Schneider, Alexander Fischer, Gereon Niedner‐Schatteburg, Bernd v. Issendorff, Martin Aeschlimann
Phys. Status Solidi B 247 (5), 1132 (2010) DOI: 10.1002/pssb.200945479
Band structure dependence of hot-electron lifetimes in a Pb/Cu(111) quantum-well system
S. Mathias, A. Ruffing, F. Deicke, M. Wiesenmayer, M. Aeschlimann and M. Bauer
Physical Review B 81, 155429 (2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.155429
Band-structure-dependent demagnetization in the Heusler alloy Co2Mn(1-x)FexSi
Daniel Steil, Sabine Alebrand, Tobias Roth, Michael Krauss, Takahide Kubota, Mikihiko Oogane, Yasuo Ando, Hans Christian Schneider, Martin Aeschlimann and Mirko Cinchetti
Physical Review Letters 105, 217202 (2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.217202
Evaporation temperature-tuned physical vapor deposition growth engineering of one-dimensional non-Fermi liquid tetrathiofulvalene tetracyanoquinodimethane thin films
I. Sarkar, M. Laux, J. Demokritova, A. Ruffing, S. Mathias, J. Wei, V. Solovyeva, M. Rudloff, S. S. Naghavi, C. Felser, M. Huth and M. Aeschlimann
Applied Physics Letters 97, 111906 (2010) DOI: 10.1063/1.3489098
Explaining the paradoxical diversity of ultrafast laser-induced demagnetization
B. Koopmans, G. Malinowski, F. Dalla Longa, D. Steiauf, M. Fahnle, T. Roth, M. Cinchetti and M. Aeschlimann
Nature Materials 9 (3), 259–265 (2010) DOI: 10.1038/nmat2593
Fabrication and characterization of coaxial scanning near-field optical microscopy cantilever sensors
M. Salomo, D. Bayer, B. R. Schaaf, M. Aeschlimann and E. Oesterschulze
Microelectronic Engineering 87 (5-8), 1540–1542 (2010) DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2009.11.031
Probing adsorbate dynamics with chirped laser pulses in a single-pulse scheme
F. Steeb, S. Mathias, M. Wiesenmayer, A. Fischer, M. Aeschlimann, M. Bauer and J. P. Gauyacq
Physical Review B 82, 165430 (2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.165430
Quantum-well-induced giant spin-orbit splitting
S. Mathias, A. Ruffing, F. Deicke, M. Wiesenmayer, I. Sarkar, G. Bihlmayer, E. V. Chulkov, Yu M. Koroteev, P. M. Echenique, M. Bauer and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review Letters 104, 066802 (2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.066802
Spatiotemporal control of nanooptical excitations
Martin Aeschlimann, Michael Bauer, Daniela Bayer, Tobias Brixner, Stefan Cunovic, Frank Dimler, Alexander Fischer, Walter Pfeiffer, Martin Rohmer, Christian Schneider, Felix Steeb, Christian Struber and Dmitri V. Voronine
PNAS 107 (12), 5329–5333 (2010) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0913556107
Spectroscopy and population decay of a van der Waals gap state in layered TiSe2
M. Wiesenmayer, S. Hilgenfeldt, S. Mathias, F. Steeb, T. Rohwer and M. Bauer
Physical Review B 82, 035422 (2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.035422
Tailoring the spin functionality of a hybrid metal-organic interface by means of alkali-metal doping
Mirko Cinchetti, Sabine Neuschwander, Alexander Fischer, Andreas Ruffing, Stefan Mathias, Jan-Peter Wüstenberg and Martin Aeschlimann
Physical Review Letters 104, 217602 (2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.217602
Time- and energy resolved photoemission electron microscopy-imaging of photoelectron time-of-flight analysis by means of pulsed excitations
Andreas Oelsner, Martin Rohmer, Christian Schneider, Daniela Bayer, Gerd Schönhense and Martin Aeschlimann
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 178-179, 317–330 (2010) DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2009.10.008
- Determination of spin injection and transport in a ferromagnet/organic semiconductor heterojunction by two-photon photoemission
Mirko Cinchetti, Kathrin Heimer, Jan-Peter Wüstenberg, Oleksiy Andreyev, Michael Bauer, Stefan Lach, Christiane Ziegler, Yongli Gao and Martin Aeschlimann
Nature Materials 8 (2), 115–119 (2009) DOI: 10.1038/nmat2334
- Effects of post-growth annealing on structural and compositional properties of the Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al surface and its relevance for the surface electron spin polarization
Jan-Peter Wüstenberg, Johannes Fischer, Christian Herbort, Martin Jourdan, Martin Aeschlimann and Mirko Cinchetti
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 084016 (2009) DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/42/8/084016
- Polarization selective near-field focusing on mesoscopic surface patterns with threefold symmetry measured with PEEM
Michael Berndt, Martin Rohmer, Brian Ashall, Christian Schneider, Martin Aeschlimann and Dominic Zerulla
Optics Letters 34 (7), 959 (2009) DOI: 10.1364/OL.34.000959
- Quantum oscillations in coupled two-dimensional electron systems
S. Mathias, S. V. Eremeev, E. V. Chulkov, M. Aeschlimann and M. Bauer
Physical Review Letters 103, 026802 (2009) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.026802
- The nature of a nonlinear excitation pathway from the Shockley surface state as probed by chirped pulse two photon photoemission
F. Steeb, S. Mathias, A. Fischer, M. Wiesenmayer, M. Aeschlimann and M. Bauer
New Journal of Physics 11 (1), 013016 (2009) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/11/1/013016
- Time and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy using femtosecond visible and high-harmonic light
S. Mathias, M. Wiesenmayer, F. Deicke, A. Ruffing, L. Miaja-Avila, M. M. Murnane, H. C. Kapteyn, M. Bauer and M. Aeschlimann
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 148, 012042 (2009) DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/148/1/012042
- Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission on Surfaces and Nanoparticles
Helmut Zacharias and M. Aeschlimann
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- Time-resolved magnetization dynamics of cross-tie domain walls in permalloy microstructures
J. Miguel, J. Sanchez-Barriga, D. Bayer, J. Kurde, B. Heitkamp, M. Piantek, F. Kronast, M. Aeschlimann, H. A. Durr and W. Kuch
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 496001 (2009) DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/49/496001
- Ultrafast demagnetization dynamics at the M edges of magnetic elements observed using a tabletop high-harmonic soft x-ray source
Chan La-O-Vorakiat, Mark Siemens, Margaret M. Murnane, Henry C. Kapteyn, Stefan Mathias, Martin Aeschlimann, Patrik Grychtol, Roman Adam, Claus M. Schneider, Justin M. Shaw, Hans Nembach and T. J. Silva
Physical Review Letters 103, 257402 (2009) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.257402
- Ultrafast demagnetization of ferromagnetic transition metals. The role of the Coulomb interaction
Michael Krauß, Tobias Roth, Sabine Alebrand, Daniel Steil, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann and Hans Christian Schneider
Physical Review B 80, 180407 (2009) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.180407
- Ultrafast studies of electronic processes at surfaces using the laser-assisted photoelectric effect with long-wavelength dressing light
L. Miaja-Avila, J. Yin, S. Backus, G. Saathoff, M. Aeschlimann, M. M. Murnane and H. C. Kapteyn
Physical Review A 79, 030901 (2009) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.030901
- A new sample holder for laser-excited pump-probe magnetic measurements on a Focus photoelectron emission microscope
Jorge Miguel, Matthias Bernien, Daniela Bayer, Jaime Sanchez-Barriga, Florian Kronast, Martin Aeschlimann, Hermann A. Durr and Wolfgang Kuch
The Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 033702 (2008) DOI: 10.1063/1.2884709
- Direct measurement of core-level relaxation dynamics on a surface-adsorbate system
L. Miaja-Avila, G. Saathoff, S. Mathias, J. Yin, C. La-o-vorakiat, M. Bauer, M. Aeschlimann, M. M. Murnane and H. C. Kapteyn
Physical Review Letters 101, 046101 (2008) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.046101
- Dynamics of the coercivity in ultrafast pump–probe experiments
T. Roth, D. Steil, D. Hoffmann, M. Bauer, M. Cinchetti and M. Aeschlimann
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41, 164001 (2008) DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/41/16/164001
- Electron emission from films of Ag and Au nanoparticles excited by a femtosecond pump-probe laser
A. Gloskovskii, D. A. Valdaitsev, M. Cinchetti, S. A. Nepijko, J. Lange, M. Aeschlimann, M. Bauer, M. Klimenkov, L. V. Viduta, P. M. Tomchuk and G. Schönhense
Physical Review B 77, 195427 (2008) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.195427
- Hot-electron dynamics in thin films of sodium-doped perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride
J. Wüsten, S. Berger, M. Salomo, A. Mönnich, M. Bauer, S. Lach, M. Aeschlimann and Ch. Ziegler
Physical Review B 78, 195326 (2008) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.195326
- Laser-assisted photoemission from surfaces
G. Saathoff, L. Miaja-Avila, M. Aeschlimann, M. M. Murnane and H. C. Kapteyn
Physical Review A 77, 022903 (2008) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.022903
- Lifetime of an adsorbate excitation modified by a tunable two-dimensional substrate
M. Wiesenmayer, M. Bauer, S. Mathias, M. Wessendorf, E. V. Chulkov, V. M. Silkin, A. G. Borisov, J.-P. Gauyacq, P. M. Echenique and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 78, 245410 (2008) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.245410
- Spin injection and spin dynamics at the CuPc/GaAs interface studied with ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy and two-photon photoemission spectroscopy
Huanjun Ding, Yongli Gao, Mirko Cinchetti, Jan-Peter Wüstenberg, Marina Sánchez-Albaneda, Oleksiy Andreyev, Michael Bauer and Martin Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 78, 075311 (2008) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.075311
- Time-Resolved 2PPE and Time-Resolved PEEM as a Probe of LSP's in Silver Nanoparticles
D. Bayer, C. Wiemann, O. Gaier, M. Bauer and M. Aeschlimann
Journal of Nanomaterials 2008, 249514 (2008) DOI: 10.1155/2008/249514
- Ultrafast spin dynamics including spin-orbit interaction in semiconductors
Michael Krauss, Martin Aeschlimann and Hans Christian Schneider
Physical Review Letters 100, 256601 (2008) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.256601
- Adaptive subwavelength control of nano-optical fields
Martin Aeschlimann, Michael Bauer, Daniela Bayer, Tobias Brixner, F. Javier Garcia de Abajo, Walter Pfeiffer, Martin Rohmer, Christian Spindler and Felix Steeb
Nature 446 (7133), 301–304 (2007) DOI: 10.1038/nature05595
- Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with a femtosecond high harmonic light source using a two-dimensional imaging electron analyzer
S. Mathias, L. Miaja-Avila, M. M. Murnane, H. Kapteyn, M. Aeschlimann and M. Bauer
The Review of Scientific Instruments 78, 083105 (2007) DOI: 10.1063/1.2773783
- Excited electron dynamics in bulk ytterbium. Time-resolved two-photon photoemission and GW+Tab initio calculations
V. P. Zhukov, E. V. Chulkov, P. M. Echenique, A. Marienfeld, M. Bauer and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 76, 193107 (2007) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.193107
- Excited states in the alkali/noble metal surface systems. A model system for the study of charge transfer dynamics at surfaces
J. P. Gauyacq, A. G. Borisov and M. Bauer
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- Experimental time-resolved photoemission and ab initio GW+ T study of lifetimes of excited electrons in ytterbium
A. Marienfeld, M. Cinchetti, M. Bauer, M. Aeschlimann, V. P. Zhukov, E. V. Chulkov and P. M. Echenique
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (49), 496213 (2007) DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/19/49/496213
- Laser-Assisted Photoelectric Effect on Pt(111)
Luis Miaja-Avila, Guido Saathoff, Chifong Lei, Martin Aeschlimann, John L. Gland, Margaret M. Murnane and Henry C. Kapteyn
Ultrafast Phenomena XV: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, Pacific Grove, USA, July 30 – August 4, 2006, S. 48–50 (2007) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-68781-8_16
- Local 2PPE-yield enhancement in a defined periodic silver nanodisk array
C. Wiemann, D. Bayer, M. Rohmer, M. Aeschlimann and M. Bauer
Surface Science 601 (20), 4714–4721 (2007) DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2007.05.040
- Mapping the femtosecond dynamics of supported clusters with nanometer resolution
M. Rohmer, F. Ghaleh, M. Aeschlimann, M. Bauer and H. Hövel
The European Physical Journal D 45 (3), 491–499 (2007) DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2007-00248-8
- Phase propagation of localized surface plasmons probed by time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy
M. Bauer, C. Wiemann, J. Lange, D. Bayer, M. Rohmer and M. Aeschlimann
Applied Physics A 88 (3), 473–480 (2007) DOI: 10.1007/s00339-007-4056-z
- Spin- and time-resolved photoemission studies of thin Co2FeSi Heusler alloy films
J.-P. Wüstenberg, M. Cinchetti, M. Sánchez Albaneda, M. Bauer and M. Aeschlimann
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 (2), e411-e414 (2007) DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2007.02.164
- Towards a full Heusler alloy showing room temperature half-metallicity at the surface
M. Cinchetti, J-P Wüstenberg, M. Sánchez Albaneda, F. Steeb, A. Conca, M. Jourdan and M. Aeschlimann
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (6), 1544–1547 (2007) DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/40/6/S05
- Ultrafast Phenomena XV: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, Pacific Grove, USA, July 30 – August 4, 2006
Paul Corkum, David M. Jonas, R. J. Dwayne Miller and Andrew M. Weinelt Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2007)
- Energy-resolved electron spin dynamics at surfaces of p -doped GaAs
H. C. Schneider, J.-P. Wüstenberg, O. Andreyev, K. Hiebbner, L. Guo, J. Lange, L. Schreiber, B. Beschoten, M. Bauer and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 73, 081302 (2006) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.081302
- Epitaxial film growth and magnetic properties of Co2FeSi
H. Schneider, G. Jakob, M. Kallmayer, H. J. Elmers, M. Cinchetti, B. Balke, S. Wurmehl, C. Felser, M. Aeschlimann and H. Adrian
Physical Review B 74, 174426 (2006) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.174426
- Experimental time-resolved photoemission and ab initio study of lifetimes of excited electrons in Mo and Rh
A. Mönnich, J. Lange, M. Bauer, M. Aeschlimann, I. A. Nechaev, V. P. Zhukov, P. M. Echenique and E. V. Chulkov
Physical Review B 74, 035102 (2006) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.035102
- Laser-assisted photoelectric effect from surfaces
L. Miaja-Avila, C. Lei, M. Aeschlimann, J. L. Gland, M. M. Murnane, H. C. Kapteyn and G. Saathoff
Physical Review Letters 97, 113604 (2006) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.113604
- Local correlation of photoemission electron microscopy and STM at a defined cluster substrate system
M. Rohmer, C. Wiemann, M. Munzinger, L. Guo, M. Aeschlimann and M. Bauer
Applied Physics A 82 (1), 87–93 (2006) DOI: 10.1007/s00339-005-3343-9
- Morphological modifications of Ag/Cu(111) probed by photoemission spectroscopy of quantum well states and the Shockley surface state
S. Mathias, M. Wessendorf, S. Passlack, M. Aeschlimann and M. Bauer
Applied Physics A 82 (3), 439–445 (2006) DOI: 10.1007/s00339-005-3369-z
- Probing femtosecond plasmon dynamics with nanometer resolution
Jörg Lange, Daniela Bayer, Martin Rohmer, Carsten Wiemann, Oksana Gaier, Martin Aeschlimann and Michael Bauer
Proc. SPIE 6195, Nanophotonics, 61950Z (2006) DOI: 10.1117/12.663097
- Quantum-well wave-function localization and the electron-phonon interaction in thin Ag nanofilms
S. Mathias, M. Wiesenmayer, M. Aeschlimann and M. Bauer
Physical Review Letters 97 (23), 236809 (2006) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.236809
- Space charge effects in photoemission with a low repetition, high intensity femtosecond laser source
S. Passlack, S. Mathias, O. Andreyev, D. Mittnacht, M. Aeschlimann and M. Bauer
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- Spin- and energy relaxation of hot electrons at GaAs surfaces
T. Ohms, K. Hiebbner, H. C. Schneider and M. Aeschlimann
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- Spin-flip processes and ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Co: Unifying the microscopic and macroscopic view of femtosecond magnetism
M. Cinchetti, M. Sanchez Albaneda, D. Hoffmann, T. Roth, J-P Wustenberg, M. Krauss, O. Andreyev, H. C. Schneider, M. Bauer and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review Letters 97, 177201 (2006) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.177201
- Spin-resolved two-photon photoemission study of the surface resonance state on Co∕Cu(001)
O. Andreyev, Yu. M. Koroteev, M. Sánchez Albaneda, M. Cinchetti, G. Bihlmayer, E. V. Chulkov, J. Lange, F. Steeb, M. Bauer, P. M. Echenique, S. Blügel and M. Aeschlimann
Physical Review B 74, 195416 (2006) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.195416
- The Laser-Assisted Photoelectric Effect from Solids
Luis Miaja-Avila, Guido Saathoff, Chifong Lei, Martin Aeschlimann, John L. Gland, Margaret M. Murnane and Henry C. Kapteyn
Optics and Photonics News 17 (12), 47 (2006) DOI: 10.1364/OPN.17.12.000047
- Femtosecond ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of ultra-fast surface processes
Michael Bauer
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- Irradiation of supported gold and silver nanoparticles with continuous-wave, nanosecond, and femtosecond laser light: a comparative study
F. Hubenthal, M. Alschinger, M. Bauer, D. Blazquez Sanchez, N. Borg, M. Brezeanu, R. Frese, C. Hendrich, B. Krohn, M. Aeschliman, F. Trager and Proc. SPIE
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- Spin dynamics of GaAs(100) by two-photon photoemission
Wüstenberg Jan-Peter Oleksiy Andreyev Bauer Michael Aeschlimann Martin Guo Li-Jun
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- The lateral photoemission distribution from a defined cluster/substrate system as probed by photoemission electron microscopy
M. Munzinger, C. Wiemann, M. Rohmer, L. Guo, M. Aeschlimann and M. Bauer
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- Time-resolved 2PPE. Probing adsorbate motion on femtosecond time-scales – what is the role of the laser bandwidth?
M. Bauer, M. Wessendorf, D. Hoffmann, C. Wiemann, A. Mönnich and M. Aeschlimann
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- Electronic surface structure of n-ML Ag/Cu(111) and Cs/n-ML Ag/Cu(111) as investigated by 2PPE and STS
M. Wessendorf, C. Wiemann, M. Bauer, M. Aeschlimann, M. A. Schneider, H. Brune and K. Kern
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- Lifetimes of excited electrons in Ta. Experimental time-resolved photoemission data and first-principles GW+T theory
V. P. Zhukov, O. Andreyev, D. Hoffmann, M. Bauer, M. Aeschlimann, E. V. Chulkov and P. M. Echenique
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Time-resolved UPS. A new experimental technique for the study of surface chemical reactions on femtosecond time-scales
M. Bauer, C. Lei, R. Tobey, M. M. Murnane and H. Kapteyn
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- Dynamics of excited electrons in metals, thin films and nanostructures
M. Bauer and M. Aeschlimann
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- Hot-electron-driven charge transfer processes on O2/Pt(111) surface probed by ultrafast extreme-ultraviolet pulses
C. Lei, M. Bauer, K. Read, R. Tobey, Y. Liu, T. Popmintchev, M. M. Murnane and H. C. Kapteyn
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- Time-resolved two photon photoemission electron microscopy
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- Direct Observation of Surface Chemistry Using Ultrafast Soft-X-Ray Pulses
M. Bauer, C. Lei, K. Read, R. Tobey, J. Gland, M. M. Murnane and H. C. Kapteyn
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- Do Mie plasmons have a longer lifetime on resonance than off resonance?
M. Scharte, R. Porath, T. Ohms, M. Aeschlimann, J. R. Krenn, H. Ditlbacher, F. R. Aussenegg and A. Liebsch
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- Lifetime and dephasing of plasmons in Ag nanoparticles
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- Dynamics of excited electrons in copper and ferromagnetic transition metals: Theory and experiment
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- Transport and dynamics of optically excited electrons in metals
M. Aeschlimann, M. Bauer, S. Pawlik, R. Knorren, G. Bouzerar and K. H. Bennemann
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- Decay dynamics of photoexcited alkali chemisorbates: Real-time investigations in the femtosecond regime
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- Direct transition in the system Ag(111) studied by one- and two-photon photoemission
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- Electron dynamics of aluminum investigated by means of time-resolved photoemission
M. Bauer, S. Pawlik and Martin Aeschlimann
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- Femtosekunden-Dynamik in Metallen - das kurze Leben heißer Elektronen
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- Preparation of model catalysts by laser interference nanolithography followed by metal cluster deposition
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- Spin-dependent electron dynamics investigated by means of time- and spin-resolved photoemission
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- Symmetry properties of an electronic alkali excitation at a noble metal surface as investigated by two-photon photoemission
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- Ultrafast Spin-Dependent Electron Dynamics in fcc Co
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- Competing nonradiative channels for hot electron induced surface photochemistry
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- A picosecond electron gun for surface analysis
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- Femtosecond Time-Resolved Measurement of Electron Relaxation at Metal Surfaces
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