Head of Group

Prof. Dr. Martin Aeschlimann

head of group
room: 46-459
phone: +49 631 205 2322
e-mail: ma(at)physik.uni-kl.de


Anna Mihanovic

room: 46-458
phone: +49 631 205 2692
fax: +49 631 205 3903
e-mail: anna.mihanovic(at)rptu.de


Lukas Müller

room: 46-488
phone: +49 631 205 2699
e-mail: lukasmue(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

Dr.-Ing. Aneta Daxinger

room: 46-356
phone: +49 631 205 3576
e-mail: aneta.daxinger(at)rptu.de

Dr. Christina Schott

room: 46-356
phone: +49 631 205 3576
e-mail: christina.schott(at)rptu.de

Guest Scientists

Dr. Lu Lyu

room: 46-472
phone: +49 631 205 4717
e-mail: llyu(at)rptu.de

Dr. Eugen Nosenko

room: 46-470
phone: +49 631 205 5514
e-mail: nosenko(at)rptu.de


Dr. Anulekha De

room: 46-453
phone: +49 631 205 2698
e-mail: ade(at)rptu.de

PhD Students

M.Sc. Martin Anstett

PhD student
room: 46-454
phone: +49 631 205 3148
e-mail: anstett(at)rptu.de

Dipl.-Phys. Sebastian Hedwig

PhD student
room: 46-453
phone: +49 631 205 2698
e-mail: hedwig(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

Dipl.-Phys. Ralf Hemm

PhD student
room: 46-464.1
phone: +49 631 205 5360
e-mail: rhemm(at)rptu.de

Dipl.-Phys. Paul Herrgen

PhD student
room: 46-454
phone: +49 631 205 3148
e-Mail: pherrgen(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

Dipl.-Phys. Jonas Hoefer

PhD student
e-Mail: jhoefer(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

M.Sc. Jannis Lessmeister

PhD student
room: 46-472
phone: +49 631 205 4717
e-mail: jlessmei(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

Dipl.-Phys. Eva Sophia Walther

PhD student
room: 46-457 / 76-336
phone: +49 631 205-2281 / -4872
e-mail: ewalther(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

M.Sc. Christopher Weiß

PhD student
room: 46-457
phone: +49 631 205 2281
e-mail: weissc(at)rptu.de

Dipl.-Phys. Stephan Wust

PhD student
room: 46-487
phone: +49 631 205 5359
e-mail: wust(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

M.Sc. Gregor Zinke

PhD student
room: 46-472
phone: +49 631 205 4717
e-mail: gzinke(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

Master Students

B.Sc. Ellen Brennfleck

master student
room: 46-455
phone: +49 631 205 4722
e-mail: ellen.brennfleck(at)physik.uni-kl.de

B.Sc. Aaron Gebert

master student
room: 46-466.1
phone: +49 631 205 2189
e-mail: gebert(at)rptu.de

B.Sc. Jonas Gödde

master student
room: 46-466.1
phone: +49 631 205 2189
e-mail: jgoedde(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

B.Sc. Emily Kruel

master student
room: 46-455
phone: +49 631 205 4722
e-mail: emily.kruel(at)edu.rptu.de

B.Sc. Franz Spartz

master student
room: 46-453
phone: +49 631 205 2698
e-mail: fspartz(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

Bachelor Students

Donald Dita

bachelor student
room: 46-455
phone: +49 631 205 4722
email: dita(at)rptu.de

Fabienne Hobrecht

bachelor student
room: 464.1
phone: +49 631 205 5360
email: hobrecht(at)rptu.de

Research Assistants

Kay Erik Bürcky

research assistant
e-mail: buercky(at)rptu.de


Stefan Häring

research assistant
room: 46-455
phone: +49 631 205 4722
e-mail: haering(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de

Jonas Krämer

research assistant
e-mail: jkraemer(at)rptu.de


Vincent Räkers

research assistant
e-mail: v.raekers(at)edu.rptu.de


Group picture 2022