Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands Room: 56-418 Phone: 4228E-Mail
Jessica Stroh Room: 76-218 Phone: 4555E-Mail
Jun. Prof. Dr. Philipp Pirro Room: 56-422 Phone: 4092E-Mail
Dr. habil. Oleksandr Serha (a.k.a. Alexander Serga) Room: 56-426 Phone: 3112E-Mail
Dr. Vitaliy Vasyuchka Room: 76-219 Phone: 3025E-Mail
Dr. Björn Heinz Room: 56-453 Phone: 4203E-Mail
Moritz Bechberger Room: 56-407 Phone: 3157E-Mail
David Breitbach Room: 56-453 Phone: 4203E-Mail
Anna Maria Friedel Room: 56-425 Phone: 4075E-Mail
Mohammad Javad Kamali Ashtiani Room: 56-424 Phone: 4023E-Mail
Felix Kohl Room: 56-447 Phone: 2278E-Mail
Abbas Koujok Room: 56-425 Phone: 4075E-Mail
Franziska Kühn Room: 56-447 Phone: 2278E-Mail
Akira Lentfert Room: 56-453 Phone: 4203E-Mail
Julien SchäferRoom: 56-407Phone: 3157E-Mail
Matthias Wagner Room: 56-407 Phone: 3157E-Mail
Jan Maskill Room: 56-456 Phone: 4248E-Mail
Tim Vogel
Room: 56-456 Phone: 4248E-Mail
Paul Schreier Room: 56-407 Phone: 3157E-Mail
Gabriel Schwöbel Room: 76-128 Phone: 4565E-Mail
Milan Ender Room: 56-407 Phone: 3157E-Mail
Dieter Weller Room: 56-428 Phone: 4048E-Mail
This page contains personal webpages of staff members. Opinions expressed in there do not represent the official views of the Magnetism Group or its head Prof. Dr. B. Hillebrands.
comments to: webhillebrands(at)