

  • Tunable electrochromic filter for in situ Fourier spatial freqency filtering;
    A. Hein, B. Kaiser, C. Kortz and E. Oesterschulze;
    Optics Express, Vol. 29, Issue 5, pp. 7858-7865, 2021;


  • Two-dimensional Spatial Image Control using an Electrochromic Graduated Filter with Multiple Electrode Configuration;
    A. Hein, N. Longen, C. Kortz, F. Carl, J. Klein, M. Haase, E. Oesterschulze;
    Sol. Ener. Mater. Sol. Cells, 215:110549, 2020.

  • Electrochromic graduated filters with symmetric electrode configuration;
    A. Hein, N. Longen, F. Carl, J. Klein, M. Haase, R. Stoll, R. Warmers, G. Jenke, Ch. Gimmler,
    Th. Schotten, M. Haag-Pichl, E. Oesterschulze;
    Opt. Express, 28:11, 17047, 2020.


  • Exploiting Direct Laser Writing for Hydrogel Integration into Fragile Microelectromechanical Systems;
    J. Menges, St. Klingel, E. Oesterschulze, H.-J. Bart; 
    Sensors 2019, 19, 2494
  • Electrically Reconfigurable Micromirror Array for Direct Spatial Light Modulation of Terahertz Waves over a Bandwidth Wider Than 1 THz ;
    J. Kappa, D. Sokoluk, St. Klingel, C. Shemelya, E. Oesterschulze, Marco Rahm; 
    Nature Communications, 10:4874, 2019.
  • Complementary hybrid electrodes for high contrast electrochromic devices with fast response;
    C. Kortz, A. Hein, M. Ciobanu, L. Walder, E. Oesterschulze; 
    Nature Communications, 10:4874, 2019.
  • Tunable graduated filters based on electrochromic materials for spatial image control;
    A. Hein, C. Kortz, E. Oesterschulze; 
    Scientific Reports, 9:15822, 2019.



  • Electrochromic tunable filters based on nanotubes with viologen incorporation;
    A. Hein, C. Kortz, E. Oesterschulze; 
    Proc. SPIE 10679, Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications V, 106791U, 2018.
  • doi: 10.1117/12.2307158


  • Spatial and directional control of self-assembled wrinkle patterns by UV light absorption;
    C. Kortz, and E. Oesterschulze; 
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 231904, 2017.

  • Investigating the wetting behavior of a surface with periodic reentrant structures using integrated microresonators
    S. Klingel and E. Oesterschulze; 
    Appl. Phys. Lett, 111, 061604, 2017.

  • A precision structured smart hydrogel for sensing applications
    J. Menges, P. Kleinschmidt, H.-J. Bart and E. Oesterschulze; 
    Appl. Phys, 122, 134501, 2017.


  • Microsphere-based cantilevers for polarization-resolved and femtosecond SNOM;
    C. A. González Mora, M. Hartelt, D. Bayer, M. Aeschlimann, E. A. Ilin and E. Oesterschulze; 
    Appl. Phys. B. 122-86, 2016.

  • A partially wettable micromechanical resonator for chemical- and biosensing in solution;
    P. Peiker; S. Klingel; J. Menges; H.-J. Bart and E. Oesterschulze; 
    Procedia Engineering 168, 2016.

  • Virtual mass effect in dynamic micromechanical mass sensing in liquids;
    P. Peiker and E. Oesterschulze; 
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 241904, 2016.

  • Geometrically tuned wettability of dynamic micromechanical sensors for an improved in-liquid operation;
    P. Peiker, E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 101903, 2016.


  • High contrast electrochrimic iris;
    T. Deutschman, C. Kortz, L. Walder and E. Oesterschulze;
    Optics Express, 23 (24) 31544, 2015

  • Elektrochrome Mikro-Iris ohne mechanische Komponenten;
    T. Deutschmann and E. Oesterschulze;
    Elektronikpraxis Kompendium Nanotechnologie, Juni 2015.
  • Geometrically tuned wettability of dynamic micromechanical sensors for an improved in-liquid operation
    P. Peiker and E. Oesterschulze; 
    Appl. Physics Letters; 107, 101903 (2015)


  • Semi-analytical modeling of a partially wetted resonant mass sensor operated in a low-loss localized eigenmode;
    P. Peiker and E. Oesterschulze; 
    Journal of Appl. Physics; 115, 183510, 2014.

  • Suspended plate microresonators with high quality factor for the operation in liquids
    J. Linden, A. Thyssen and E. Oesterschulze; 
    Appl. Physics Letters; 104, 191906 (2014)

  • Integrated electrochromic aperture diaphragm
    T. Deutschmann, E. Oesterschulze; 
    Proc. SPIE 9130,
    Micro-Optics 2014, 913006, 2014.

  • Depth of focus analysis of optical systems using tunable aperture stops with a moderate level of absorption;
    D. Pätz, T. Deutschmann, E. Oesterschulze, St. Sinzinger;
    Applied Optics, 53 (28) 6508, 2014.

  • Integrated electrochromic iris device for low power and space-limited applications
    T. Deutschmann; E. Oesterschulze; 
    J. Opt., 16, 075301, 2014.


  • Modeling the temporal spectral response of the thermally induced non-linearity of mechanical microresonators;
    B. Radzio, E. Oesterschulze, H. J. Korsch;
    Appl. Phys. Lett, 102, 161910, 2013.

  • Micro-structured electrochromic device based on poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene),
    T. Deutschmann, E. Oesterschulze;
    J. Micromech. Microeng. 23, 065032, 2013.


  • Dual electrode cantilevers for ohmic microscopy;
    M. Ignatowitz and E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 251601, 2012.

  • Tayloring the Interface of Hybrid Microresonators in Viscid Fluids Enhances their Quality Factor by Two Decades;
    Egbert Oesterschulze, Peter Kehrbusch, Bernhard Radzio, Elena Amelie Ilin, Anne Thyssen, Joachim W. Deitmer and Jenny Kehrbusch;
    Lab Chip, 12 (7), 1316 – 1319, 2012.

  • Improving the Quality Factor of Cantilevers in Vicous Fluids by the Adaptation of their Interface;
    J. Linden and E. Oesterschulze; 
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 2012.


  • A method to investigate the temporal spectral response of microresonators affected by optical read-out techniques;
    B. Radzio, J. Kehrbusch, E.A. Ilin and E. Oesterschulze;
    Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 2352, 2011.

  • Non-mechanical variable apertures based on poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT);
    S. Roth, M. Ignatowitz, P. Müller, W. Mönch, E. Oesterschulze;
    Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 2349, 2011.

  • Spray coating of PMMA for pattern transfer via electron beam lithography on surfaces with high topography
    J. Linden, Ch. Thanner, B. Schaaf, S. Wolff, B. Lägel, E. Oesterschulze;
    Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 2030, 2011.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2010.12.106

  • Analytical Model of the Temperature Dependent Properties of Microresonators Immersed in a Fluid;
    E. A. Ilin, J. Kehrbusch, B. Radzio, E. Oesterschulze;
    J. Appl. Phys, 109, 33519, 2011.


  • Influence of electrode size and geometry on electrochemical experiments with combined SECM-SFM probes;
    Sascha E Pust, Marc Salomo, Egbert Oesterschulze and Gunther Wittstock;
    Nanotechnology, 21, 105709, 2010

  • Fabrication and Characterization of Coaxial Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy Cantilever Sensors;
    M. Salomo, D. Bayer, B. R. Schaaf, M. Aeschlimann, E. Oesterschulze;
    Microelectron. Eng., DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2009.11.031, 87, 1537-1539, 2010

  • Integrated Cantilever Probes for SECM/AFM Characterization of Surfaces;
    M. Salomo, S.E. Pust, G. Wittstock, E. Oesterschulze;
    Microelectron Eng., DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2009.11.032, 87, 1534-1536, 2010
  • Columnar shaped microresonators for mass detection and gas analysis;
    J. Kehrbusch, P. Bozek, B. Radzio, E.A. Ilin, E. Oesterschulze; 
    Microelectron. Eng., 87, DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2009.11.075, 816-819, 2010

2005 - 2009

  • High-frequency micromechanical columnar resonators;
    J. Kehrbusch, E. A. Ilin, P. Bozek, B. Radzio, E. Oesterschulze;
    Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. (10) 034601, 2009.

  • High frequency columnar silicon microresonators for mass detection;
    J. Kehrbusch, E. Ilin, M. Hullin, E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. Lett, 93, 023102, 2008.

  • Noncontact tuning fork position sensing for hollow-pyramid near-field cantilevered probes;
    A. Ambrosio, E. Cefali, S. Spadaro, S. Patene, M. Allegrini, A. Albert, E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 163108, 2006

  • All-diamond cantilever probes for scanning probe microscopy applications realized by a proximity lithography process;
    A. Malave, E. Oesterschulze;
    Rev. Sci. Inst., (77) 043708, 2006.

  • The atom pencil: serial writing in the sub-micrometre domain;
    M. Mützel, M. Müller, D. Haubrich, U. Rasbach, D. Meschede, C. O’Dwyer, G. Gay, B. Viaris de Lesegno, J. Weiner, K. Ludolph, G. Georgiev, E. Oesterschulze;
    Applied, Physics B, DOI 10.1007/s00340-005-1863-9, 2005.

  • Writing self-assembled monolayers : Optimization of atomic nanolithography imaging using self-assembled monolayers on gold substrates;
    C. O’Dwyer, G. Gay, B. Viaris de Lesegno, J. Weiner, K. Ludolph, D. Albert, E. Oesterschulze;
    J. Appl. Phys., 97, 114309, 2005.

2001 - 2004

  • Spatio-Temporal Imaging of Voltage Pulses with an Ultrafast Scanning Probe Microscope;
    E. Oesterschulze, W. M. Steffens;
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 19(1), 107-110, 2001.

  • Trans-mission Line Probe on Base of a Bow-Tie Antenna, Journal of Microscopy;
    E. Oesterschulze, G. Georgiev, M. Müller-Wiegand, A. Vollkopf, O. Rudow; 
    Vol 202, Pt 1, 39-44, 2001.

  • Technology to reduce the aperture size of microfabricated aperture SNOM tips;
    A. Vollkopf, O. Rudow, E. Oesterschulze;
    J. of the Electrochemical Society, (148) 10, G587-G591, 2001.

  • Theoretical Investigations of a Coaxial Probe Concept for Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy;
    O. Rudow, A. Vollkopf, M. Müller-Wiegand, G. Georgiev, E. Oesterschulze, E.;
    Optics Communications, 189, 187-192, 2001.

  • Improved Anisotropic Deep Etching in KOH Solutions to Fabricate Highly Specular Surfaces;
    C. Mihalcea, A. Hölz, M. Kuwahara, J. Tominaga, J., E. Oesterschulze, N. Atoda, N.;
    Microelectron. Eng., 57-58, 781-786, 2001.

  • Diamond Cantilevers with Integrated Tip for Nanomachining;
    E. Oesterschulze, A. Malave, U. F. Keyser, R. J. Haug,
    Diamond and Related Materials, 11, 667, 2002.

  • Fabriction of quantum point contacts by engraving GaAs/AlGaAs-heterostructures with a diamond tip;
    J. Regul, U.F. Keyser, M. Paesler, U. Zeitler, R.J. Haug, A. Malave, E. Oesterschulze, D. Reuter, 
    A.D. Wieck;
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 81(11), 2023-2025, 2002.

  • Spinodal patterning in organic-inorganic hybrid layer systems;
    M. Müller-Wiegand, Th. Fuhrmann, G. Georgiev, T. Spehr, E. Oesterschulze, J. Salbeck;
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 81(26), 4940-4942, 2002.

  • Microactuators based on Conducting Polymers;
    M. Roemer, T. Kurzenknabe, E. Oesterschulze, N. Nicoloso;
    Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, DOI 10.1007/s00216-002-1414-8, 2002

  • Analysis of RNA flexibility by scanning force microscopy;
    M. Bonin, R. Zhu, Yvonne Klaue, J. Oberstrass, E. Oesterschulze, W. Nellen; 
    Nucleic Acids Research 30(16), 1-6, 2002.

  • Influence of the oxidation temperature on the fabrication process of silicon dioxide aperture tips;
    A. Vollkopf, O. Rudow, M. Müller-Wiegand, G. Georgiev, E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. A, 76, 923-926, 2003.

  • Lithography-free fabrication of sub-100 nm structures by self-aligned plasma etching of silicon dioxide layers and silicon;
    G. Georgiev, M. Müller-Wiegand, A. Georgieva, K. Ludolph, E. Oesterschulze;
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 21(4), 1361-1363, 2003.

  • Superhard materials in the B/C/N system and modern micro system technology: synergistic effects;
    R. Kassing, E. Oesterschulze, W. Kulisch;
    Surf. Coat. Technol. 169-170, 237-244, 2003.

  • Field-assisted assembly and alignment of carbon nanofibres;
    T. Ono, E. Oesterschulze, G. Georgiev, A. Georgieva, R. Kassing;
    Nanotechnology, 14, 37-41, 2003.

  • Fabrication of sub-wavelength surface structures combining self-assembled masking layer with plasma etching techniques;
    E. Oesterschulze G. Georgiev, M. Müller-Wiegand, A. Georgieva, K. Ludolph;
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 21(6), 2496-2499, 2003.

  • Holographic and Self-Organized Patterning of Semiconducting Molecular Glasses;
    T. Fuhrmann, J. Salbeck, N. Reinke, H. Franke, M. Müller-Wiegand, E. Oesterschulze;
    in Proceedings of 4-th Chitose International Forum on Photonics, Science & Technology, Chitose, Japan, 2004.

1996 - 2000

  • Imaging of thermal properties topography by scanning thermal scanning tunneling microscopy;
    E. Oesterschulze, M. Stopka;
    Microelectr. Eng., (31) pp. 241-248, 1996.

  • Neural network correction of nonlinearities in scanning probe microscope images;
    L. Hadjiiski, S. Münster, E. Oesterschulze, R. Kassing;
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol B, (14)2, pp. 1563-1568, 1996.

  • Atomic force microscopy and lateral force microscopy using piezoresistive cantilevers;
    R. Linnemann, T. Gotszalk, I. Rangelow, P. Dumania, E. Oesterschulze;
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, (2), pp. 856-860, 1996.

  • Multi-Purpose Sensor Tips for Scanning Nearfield Microscopy;
    C. Mihalcea, W. Scholz, S. Werner, S. Münster, E. Oesterschulze, R. Kassing;
    Appl. Phys. Lett., (68)25 pp. 3531-3533, 1996.

  • Photothermal Imaging by Scanning Thermal Microscopy;
    E. Oesterschulze, M. Stopka; 
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 14(3), pp. 1172-1177, 1996.

  • Thermal Imaging of Thin Films by Scanning Thermal Microscopy;
    E. Oesterschulze, M. Stopka, L. Ackermann, W. Scholz, S. Werner;
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, (14)2, pp. 832-837, 1996.

  • Fabrication of Small Diamond Tips for Scanning Probe Microscopy Application;
    E. Oesterschulze, W. Scholz, C. Mihalcea, D. A 
    Microscopy Application, Appl. Phys. Lett, (70) pp. 435-437, 1996.
  • Sensors for Scanning Probe Microscopy, in Micro/Nanotribology Its Application;
    R. Kassing, E. Oesterschulze;
    Kluwer Academic Publisher, Edt. Bharat Bhushan, Series E: Applied Science, (330) pp. 35-54, 1997.

  • Fabrication of Integrated Diamond Cantilevers with Tips for SPM Applications;
    W. Kulisch, A. Malavé, G. Lippold, C. Mihalcea, E. Oesterschulze;
    Diamond Relat. Mat., (6), pp. 906-911, 1997.

  • The Potential of the Scanning Probe Microscopy For Thin Film Characterization;
    E. Oesterschulze;
    Surface Coating Technology, (97) pp. 694-706, 1997.

  • Novel micromachined cantilever sensors for scanning nearfield optical microscopy;
    S. Münster, S. Werner, C. Mihalcea, W. Scholz, E. Oesterschulze;
    Jour. Microscopy, (186) pp. 17-22, 1997.
  • Micromachined Probes for High Frequency Scanning Force Microscopy Scanning Thermal Microscopy;
    M. Stopka, S. Münster, T. Leinhos, C. Mihalcea, W. Scholz, A. Leyk, W. Mertin, E. Oesterschulze;
    SPIE proceedings, Vol. 3009-09, pp. 92-100, 1997.

  • Application Characterization of Combined SNOM/SFM Cantilever Probes;
    S. Werner, S. Münster, S. Heisig, C. Mihalcea, W. Scholz, E. Oesterschulze;
    SPIE proceedings, Vol. 3009-09, pp. 130-140, 1997.

  • Fabrication of Monolithic Diamond Probes for Scanning Probe Microscopy Applications;
    W. Scholz, D. Albert, A. Malavè, S. Werner, C. Mihalcea, W. Kulisch, E. Oesterschulze;
    SPIE proceedings, Vol. 3009-09, pp. 61-71, 1997.

  • Monolithic Gallium Arsenide Cantilever for Scanning Near-field Microscopy;
    S. Heisig, H. U. Danzebrink, A. Leyk, W. Mertin, S. Münster, E. Oesterschulze;
    Ultramicroscopy, (71), pp. 99-105, 1997.

  • Effects of Multilevel Phase Masks on Interpixel Cross Talk in Digital Holographic Storage;
    M. P. Bernal, G. W. Burr, H. Coufal, R. K. Grygier, J. A. Hoffnagle, C. M. Jefferson, E. Oesterschulze,
    R. M. Shelby, G. T. Sincerbox, M. Quintanilla;
    Appl. Optics, (36) pp. 3107-3115, 1997.

  • Thermal Electrical Imaging of Surface Properties with High Lateral Resolution;
    E. Oesterschulze, R. Kassing;
    Proceedings of the 16-th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 97), pp. 719-725, IEEE, 1997.

  • Fabrication of diamond sensors for SPM applications;
    W. Kulisch, D. Albert, A. Malavè, W. Scholz, C. Mihalcea, S. Werner, E. Oesterschulze;
    Paper presented at the 8th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Related Material (DIAMOND'97), Edinburgh, 1997.
  • Cantilever Probes for SNOM Applications Double Aperture Tips;
    E. Oesterschulze, O. Rudow, C. Mihalcea, W. Scholz, S. Werner;
    Ultramicroscopy, (71) pp. 99-105, 1998.

  • Cantilever Probes with Apertures Tips for Polarisation Sensitive Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy;
    S. Werner, O. Rudow, C. Mihalcea, E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. A, (66) pp. 367-370, 1998.

  • Novel Probes for Scanning Probe Microscopy;
    E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. A, (66) pp. 3-9, 1998.

  • Fabrication of monolithic diamond probes for scanning probe microscopy applications;
    C. Mihalcea, W. Scholz, A. Malavè, D. Albert, W. Kulisch, E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. A, (66) pp. 87-90, 1998

  • Gallium Arsenide Probes for Scanning Near-Field Probe Microscopy;
    S. Heisig, E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. A, (66) pp. 385-390, 1998.
  • On the Development and Potential of Cantilever-Based Probes for SNOM Applications;
    S. Heisig, E. Oesterschulze;
    Optical Memory and Neural Networks, (7) 4, pp. 251-265, 1998.
  • Micromachined fabrication of Si cantilevers with Schottky diodes integrated in the tip;
    T. Leinhos, M. Stopka, E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. A, (66) pp. 65-69, 1998.

  • Integrated Probes for High Resolution Imaging of Surfaces;
    E. Oesterschulze;
    SPIE proceedings, Vol. 3467, pp. 78-88, 1998.
  • Experimental Theoretical Characterization of Aperture Probe Cantilevers for Polarisation Sensitive SNOM;
    O. Rudow, C. Mihalcea, A. Vollkopf, M. Stopka, E. Oesterschulze;
    SPIE proceedings, Vol. 3467, pp. 99-105, 1998.
  • Optical Active Gallium Arsenide Probes for Scanning Probe Microscopy;
    S. Heisig, E. Oesterschulze;
    SPIE proceedings, Vol. 3467, pp. 305-312, 1998.
  • Diamond tips cantilevers for the characterization of semiconductor devices;
    A. Malavè, E. Oesterschulze, W. Kulisch, T. Trenkler, T. Hantschel, W. Vandervorst;
    Diamond Rel. Mat, (8) pp. 283-287, 1998.
  • Tip-on-tip: a novel AFM tip configuration for the electrical characterization of semiconductor devices;
    T. Hantschel, T. Trenkler, W. Vandervorst, A. Malavè, D. Büchel, W. Kulisch, E. Oesterschulze;
    Microelectronic Engineering, (46) pp. 113-116, 1998.
  • Novel Micromachined Cantilever Sensors for Scanning Nearfield Microscopy;
    E. Oesterschulze, C. Mihalcea, S. Werner, S. Münster, W. Scholz;
    in Atomic Force Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 3, 
    Editor: S. Cohen, M. Lightbody, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 75-82, 1999.
  • Modified Fabrication Process for Aperture Probe Cantilevers;
    A. Vollkopf, O. Rudow, T. Leinhos, C. Mihalcea, E. Oesterschulze;
    J. Microscopy, (194 Pt 2/3) pp. 344-34, 1999.
  • Coaxial Probes for Scanning Near-Field Microscopy;
    T. Leinhos, O. Rudow, M. Stopka, A. Vollkopf, E. Oesterschulze;
    J. Microscopy;(194 Pt 2/3), pp. 349-352, 1999.
  • Spatio-temporal imaging of voltage pulses with a laser gated photoconductive sampling probe;
    W. M. Steffens, S. Heisig, U. Keil, E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. B, 69, 455-458, 1999.
  • Atomic force microscope cantilever for voltage probe with ultrafast time resolution;
    W. M. Steffens, E. Oesterschulze;
    Electronic Letters, (35) 13 pp. 1106-1108,1999.
  • Micromachined Sensors for Scanning Probe Microscopy;
    E. Oesterschulze, W. Bodensteion, D. Büchel, S. Heisig, T. Kurzenknabe, T. Leinhos, A. Malavè, C. Mihalcea, M. Müller-Wiegand, S. Neber, O. Rudow, W. M. Steffens, A. Vollkopf, R. Kassing;
    in Sensors, Transducers Systems, Publ. AMA Service GmbH, (1) pp. 357-362, 1999.
  • Versatile Probes for Scanning Probe Microscopy;
    E. Oesterschulze, W. Bodenstein, D. Büchel, K. Ewert, S. Heisig, T. Kurzenknabe, T. Leinhos, A. Malavè, C. Mihalcea, M. Müller-Wiegand, S. Neber, O. Rudow, W. Scholz, W. M. Steffens, A. Vollkopf, R. Kassing;
    in: Advances in Solid State Physics,
    Publ. Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft, Vol 39, pp 519-529, 1999.
  • Maßanfertigung: Sensoren für die Rastersondenmikroskopie;
    E. Oesterschulze, I. Rangelow, R. Kassing;
    Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Dezember 1999.

  • Evaluating probes for electrical atomic force microscopy;
    T. Trenkler, T. Hantschel, R. Stephenson, P. De Wolf, W. Vandervorst, L. Hellemans, A. Malavè, D. Büchel, E. Oesterschulze, W. Kulisch, P. Niedermann, T. Sulzbach, O. Ohlson; 
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, (18) 1, pp. 418-427, 2000.
  • Reproducible large area microfabrication of sub 100nm apertures on hollow tips;
    C. Mihalcea, A. Vollkopf, E. Oesterschulze;
    J. of the Electrochem. Society, (147) 5, 1970, 2000.
  •  Optical Active Gallium Arsenide Cantilever Probes for Combined Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy and Scanning Force Microscopy;
    S. Heisig, O. Rudow, E. Oesterschulze;
    J. Vac Sci Technol. B, (18) 31, pp. 1134-1137, 2000.

  • Determination of Preferential Binding Sites for anti dsRNA Antibodies on Double Stranded RNA by Scanning Force Microscopy;
    M. Bonin, J. Oberstraß, N. Lukacs, K. Ewert, E. Oesterschulze, R. Kassing, W. Nellen;
    RNA (6) 563-570, 2000.

  • Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy in the near-infrared using light emitting cantilever probes;
    S. Heisig, O. Rudow, E. Oesterschulze;
    Appl. Phys. Lett, (77) 8, 1071-1073, 2000.

1991 - 1995

  • Evaluation of Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) Depth Profiles by Application of Factor Analysis, Fresenius
    E. Oesterschulze, K. Maßeli, R. Kassing;
    J. Anal. Chem., (341), pp 70-73, 1991.

  • Zerstörungsfreie Untersuchung der thermischen Eigenschaften von Festkörpern auf Basis der photothermischen Interferometrie;
  • E. Oesterschulze, M. Stopka, M. Tochtrop-Mayr, R. Kassing,
    Edt. E. Köhler, in Proceedings of the 37. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (2) pp 204-209, 1992.

  • Nondestructive evaluation of solids deposited films by thermal-wave interferometry;
    E. Oesterschulze, M. Stopka, M. Tochtrop-Mayr, R. Kassing, 
    Appl. Surf. Sci. (69), pp 65-68, 1993.

  • Photo-thermische Raster-Nahfeld-Mikroskopie an Oberflächen und dünnen Schichten, in Laser in der Technik,
    M. Stopka, R. Linnemann, K. Maßeli, E. Oesterschulze, R. Kassing, 
    präsentiert während der Laser 93, Kongreß B, München, 1993.

  • Photo-Thermal Characterization of Solids Thin Films by Optical Scanning Probe Techniques;
    M. Stopka, E. Oesterschulze, R. Kassing;
    Microelectr. Eng., (24) pp. 107-112, 1994.

  • Photothermal scanning near-field microscopy
    M. Stopka E. Oesterschulze J. Schulte R. Kassing, 
    Mater. Sci. Eng. B, (24) pp. 226-228, 1994.

  • Application of neural networks to a scanning probe microscopy system;
    L. Hadjiiski, R. Linnemann, M. Stopka, E. Oesterschulze, I. Rangelow, R. Kassing, 
    Thin Solid Films, (264), pp 291-297, 1995.

  • Thermal Imaging Measurement Techniques for Electronic Materials Devices;
    J. Kölzer, E. Oesterschulze, G. Deboy,
    Microelectr. Eng., (31) pp. 251-270, 1995.

  • Investigation of Surfaces with Miniaturized Thermal Probes;
    E. Oesterschulze, M. Stopka, L. Hadjiiski, R. Kassing;
    Editors: O. Marti R. Möller, in Photons Local Probes, pp 345-350, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.

  • Laser Interferometry SXM-Techniques for Thermal Characterization of Thin Films
    E. Oesterschulze, L. Hadjiiski, M. Stopka, R. Kassing, 
    Materials Science Forum, (185-188), pp. 43-52, 1995.

  •  Surface investigations by scanning thermal microscopy;
     M. Stopka, L. Hadjiiski, E. Oesterschulze, R. Kassing;
     J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, (13) pp. 2153-2156, 1995.