Publications in journals


T. Klas, J. Bender, P. Mischke, T. Niederprüm, and H. Ott

„Engineering long-range molecular potentials by external drive“

Phys. Rev. A 108, L021301 (2023)


D. Brady, J. Bender, P. Mischke, T. Niederprüm, H. Ott, and M. Fleischhauer

„Griffiths Phase in a Facilitated Rydberg Gas at Low Temperature“

arXiv:2302.14145 (2023)


M. Will, J. Marino, H. Ott, and M. Fleischhauer

„Controlling superfluid flows using dissipative impurities“



J. Benary, C. Baals, E. Bernhart, J. Jiang, M. Röhrle, H Ott

„Experimental observation of a dissipative phase transition in a multi-mode many-body quantum system“

New Journal of Physics: 24, 103034 (2022)


C Lippe, T Klas, J Bender, P Mischke, T Niederprüm, H Ott


„Experimental realization of a 3D random hopping model“

Nature Communications: 10.1038/s41467-021-27243-2


C Baals, AG Moreno, J Jiang, J Benary, H Ott

„Stability analysis and attractor dynamics of three-dimensional dark solitons with localized dissipation“

Phys. Rev. A 103, 043304 (2021)


P Geppert, M Althön, D Fichtner, H Ott

„Diffusive-like Redistribution in State-changing Collisions between Rydberg Atoms and Ground State Atoms“

arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.11485


F. Hummel, P. Schmelcher, H. Ott, and H. R. Sadeghpour

„An ultracold heavy Rydberg system formed from ultra-long-range molecules bound in a stairwell potential“

New J. Phys. 22, 063060 (2020)


Arya Dhar, Christian Baals, Bodhaditya Santra, Andreas Müllers, Ralf Labouvie, Thomas Mertz, Ivana Vasic, Agnieszka Cichy, Herwig Ott, and Walter Hofstetter

"Transport of Strongly Correlated Bosons in an Optical Lattice"

physica status solidi (b), 1800752 (2019)


Carsten Lippe, Tanita Eichert, Oliver Thomas, Thomas Niederprüm, and Herwig Ott

"Excitation of Rydberg Molecules in Ultracold Quantum Gases"

physica status solidi (b), 1800654 (2019)


C. Baals, H. Ott, J. Brand and A.M. Mateo

„Nonlinear standing waves in an array of coherently coupled Bose-Einstein condensates“

Phys. Rev. A 98, 053603


Dmitry A. Zezyulin, Herwig Ott, and Vladimir V. Konotop

„Coherent perfect absorber and laser for nonlinear waves in optical waveguide arrays“

Opt. Lett. 43(23), 5901-5904 (2018)


A. Müllers, B. Santra, C. Baals, J. Jiang, J., R. Labouvie, D.A. Zezyulin, V.V. Konotop and H. Ott

„Coherent perfect absorption of nonlinear matter waves“

Science Advances 10 Aug 2018: Vol. 4, no. 8, eaat6539


O. Thomas, C. Lippe, T. Eichert and H. Ott

“Photoassociation of rotating ultra-long range Rydberg molecules”

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 155201 (2018)


O. Thomas, C. Lippe, T. Eichert and H. Ott

“Experimental realization of a Rydberg optical Feshbach resonance in a quantum many-body system”

Nature Communications 9, 2238 (2018)


B. Santra, C. Baals, R. Labouvie, A. B. Bhattacherjee, A. Pelster and H. Ott

“Measuring finite-range phase coherence in an optical lattice using Talbot interferometry”

Nature Communications 8, 15601 (2017)


F. Letscher, O. Thomas, T. Niederprüm, M. Fleischhauer, and H. Ott

„Bistability Versus Metastability in Driven Dissipative Rydberg Gases“

Phys. Rev. X 7, 021020 (2017)


F. Letscher, O. Thomas, T. Niederprüm, H. Ott, and M. Fleischhauer

„Anomalous excitation facilitation in inhomogeneously broadened Rydberg gases“

Phys. Rev. A 95, 023410 (2017)


C. Sahin, P. Geppert, A. Müllers and H. Ott

“A high repetition deterministic single ion source”

New J. Phys. 19 123005 (2017)


Herwig Ott & Thomas Niederprüm

"Neuartiges Schmetterlingsmolekül entdeckt"

Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 11/2016


Herwig Ott

"Single atom detection in ultracold quantum gases: a review of current progress"

Rep. Prog. Phys. 79 054401


Thomas Niederprüm, Oliver Thomas, Tanita Eichert, Carsten Lippe, Jesús Pérez-Ríos, Chris H. Greene & Herwig Ott

"Observation of pendular butterfly Rydberg molecules"

Nat. Commun. 7, 12820


Thomas Niederprüm, Oliver Thomas, Tanita Eichert, and Herwig Ott

"Rydberg Molecule-Induced Remote Spin Flips"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 123002


Ralf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, and Herwig Ott

"Bistability in a Driven-Dissipative Superfluid"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 235302


Torsten Manthey, Thomas Niederprüm, Oliver Thomas, and Herwig Ott
"Dynamically probing ultracold lattice gases via Rydberg molecules"
New J. Phys 17 103024


Ralf Labouvie, Bodhaditya Santra, Simon Heun, Sandro Wimberger, and Herwig Ott
"Negative Differential Conductivity in an Interacting Quantum Gas"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 050601
Viewpoint article to this publication by Andrew J. Daley:
"Towards an Atomtronic Diode" Physics 8, 72


Thomas Niederprüm, Oliver Thomas, Torsten Manthey, Tobias M. Weber, and Herwig Ott
"Giant Cross Section for Molecular Ion Formation in Ultracold Rydberg Gases"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 013003 48 122001


B. Santra and H. Ott
"Scanning electron microscopy of cold gases"
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 122001


T. M. Weber, M. Höning, T. Niederprüm, T. Manthey, O. Thomas, V. Guarrera, M. Fleischhauer, G. Barontini, and H. Ott
"Mesoscopic Rydberg-blockaded ensembles in the superatom regime and beyond"
Nature Phys. (2015) DOI: 10.1038/nphys3214


A. Vogler, R. Labouvie, G. Barontini, S. Eggert, V. Guarrera, and H. Ott

"Dimensional Phase Transition from an Array of 1D Luttinger Liquids to a 3D Bose-Einstein Condensate"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 215301 (2014)


T. Manthey, T. M. Weber, T. Niederprüm, P. Langer, V. Guarrera, G. Barontini and H. Ott

"Scanning electron microscopy of Rydberg excited Bose-Einstein condensates"

New J. Phys. 16, 083034 (2014)


A. Vogler, R. Labouvie, F. Stubenrauch, G. Barontini, V. Guarrera, and H. Ott
"Thermodynamics of strongly correlated one-dimensional Bose gases"
Phys. Rev. A 88, 031603 (2013)


G. Barontini, R. Labouvie, F. Stubenrauch, A. Vogler, V. Guarrera, and H. Ott
"Controlling the Dynamics of an Open Many-Body Quantum System with Localized Dissipation"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 035302 (2013)


D. A. Zezyulin, V.V. Konotop, G. Barontini, and H. Ott,
Macroscopic Zeno Effect and Stationary flows in nonlinear waveguides with localized dissipation"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 020405 (2012)


V. Guarrera, D. Muth, R. Labouvie, A. Vogler, G. Barontini, M. Fleischhauer, and H. Ott,
"Spatiotemporalfermionization of strongly interactiong one-dimensional bosons"
Phys.Rev. A 86, 021601(R) (2012)


T.M. Weber, T. Niederprüm, T. Manthey, P. Langer, V. Guarrera, G. Barontini, and H. Ott,
"Continuous coupling of ultracold atoms to an ionic plasma via Rydberg excitation"
Phys. Rev. A 86, 020702(R) (2012)


V. Guarrera, P. Würtz, A. Ewerbeck, A. Vogler, G. Barontini, and H. Ott
"Observation of local temporal correlations in trapped quantum gases"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 160403 (2011)


V. Guarrera and H. Ott
"Electron microscopy of ultracold gases"
Adv. Imag. Electron Phys. 169, 75 (2011)


A. Kogelbauer, P. Würtz, T. Gericke, and H. Ott
"A laser system for the excitation of Rubidium Rydberg states using second harmonic generation in a PPLN waveguide crystal"
Appl. Phys. B 104, 557 (2011)


F. Markert, P. Würtz, A. Kogelbauer, T. Gericke, A. Vogler, and H. Ott
"AC-Stark shift and photoionization of Rydberg atoms in an optical dipole trap"
New J. Phys. 12, 113003 (2010)


P. Würtz , T. Gericke , A Vogler, and H. Ott
"Ultracold atoms as a target: absolute scattering cross-section measurement"
New J. Phys. 12, 065003 (2010)

P. Würtz, T. Gericke, A. Vogler, F. Etzold, and H. Ott
"Image formation in scanning electron microscopy of ultracold atoms"
Appl. Phys. B 98, 641 (2010)


P. Würtz, T. Langen, T. Gericke, A. Koglbauer, and H. Ott
"Experimental demonstration of single-site addressability in a two dimensional optical lattice"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 080404 (2009)


V. A. Brazhnyi, V. V. Konotop, V. M. Pérez-García, and H. Ott
"Dissipation induced coherent structures in Bose-Einstein condensates"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 144101 (2009)


T. Gericke, P. Würtz, D. Reitz, T. Langen, and H. Ott
"High resolution scanning electron microscopy of an ultracold quantum gas"
Nature Physics 4, 949-953 (2008)

P. Würtz, T. Gericke, T. Langen, A. Koglbauer, and H. Ott
"probing Bose-Einstein condensates by electron impact ionization"
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 141 012020 (2008)


T. Gericke, P. Würtz, D. Reitz, C. Utfeld, and H. Ott
"All-optical formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate for applications in scanning electron microscopy"
Appl. Phys. B 89, 447-451 (2007)


T. Gericke, C. Utfeld, N. Hommerstad, and H. Ott
"A scanning electron microscope for ultracold atoms"
Laser Phys. Lett. 3, 415-419 (2006)

S. Knoop, V. G. Hasan, H. Ott, R. Morgenstern, and R. Hoekstra
"Single ionization of Na(3s) and Na*(3p) by low energy ion impact"  
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, 2021 (2006)


S. Knoop, R. E. Olson, H. Ott, V. G. Hasan, R. Morgenstern, and R. Hoekstra  
"Single ionization and electron capture in He2+ + Na collisions"
J. Phys. B 38, 1987 (2005)

H. Ott, E. de Mirandes, F. Ferlaino, G. Roati, G. Modugno, and M. Inguscio
Atom interferometry with degenerate quantum gases in a vertical optical lattice  
Laser Physics 15, 82 (2005)


H. Ott, E. de Mirandes, F. Ferlaino, G. Roati, V. Türck, G. Modugno, and M. Inguscio 
"Radio frequency selective addressing of localized atoms in a periodic potential"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 120407 (2004)


H. Ott, E. de Mirandes, F. Ferlaino, G. Roati, G. Modugno, and M. Inguscio 
"Collisionally induced transport in periodic potentials"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 160601 (2004)


G. Modugno, E. de Mirandes, F. Ferlaino, H. Ott, G. Roati, and M. Inguscio 
"Atom interferometry in a vertical optical lattice"
Fortschr. Phys. 52, 1173 (2004)

C. Zimmermann, S. Kraft, A. Gunther, H. Ott, and J. Fortagh  
"Two experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates in magnetic micro traps"  
Journal de physique IV, 116,  275-280 (2004)

G. Roati, E. de Mirandes, F. Ferlaino, H. Ott, G. Modugno, and M. Inguscio  
"Atom interferometer with trapped Fermi gases" 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 230402 (2004)

L. Pezzè, L. Pitaevskii, A. Smerzi, S. Stringari, G. Modugno, E. de Mirandes, F. Ferlaino, H. Ott, G. Roati and, M. Inguscio  
"Insulating behavior of a trapped ideal Fermi gas"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 120401 (2004)


H. Ott, J. Fortagh, S. Kraft, A. Günther, D. Komma, and C. Zimmermann  
"Nonlinear dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a magnetic waveguide"  
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 040402 (2003)


H. Ott, J. Fortagh, and C. Zimmermann  
"Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an anharmonic potential"
J. Phys. B 36, 2817 (2003)


J. Fortagh, H. Ott, S. Kraft, A. Günther, and C. Zimmermann 
"Bose–Einstein condensates in magnetic waveguides"
Appl. Phys. B 76, 157 (2003)


J. Fortagh, H. Ott, G. Schlotterbeck, C. Zimmermann, B. Herzog, and D. Wharam  
"Microelectromagnets for trapping and manipulating ultracold atomic quantum gases"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 1146 (2002)


J. Fortagh, H. Ott, S. Kraft, A. Günther, and C. Zimmermann 
"Surface effects in magnetic microtraps "
Phys. Rev. A 66, 041604(R) (2002)


S. Kraft, A. Günther, H. Ott, D. Wharam, C. Zimmermann, and J. Fortagh 
"Anomalous longitudinal magnetic field near the surface of Copper conductors"
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35, L469 (2002)


H. Ott, J. Fortagh, G. Schlotterbeck, A. Grossmann, and C. Zimmermann
"Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Surface Microtrap"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 230401 (2001)


J. Fortagh, H. Ott, A. Grossmann, and C. Zimmermann  
"Miniaturized Magnetic Guide for Neutral Atoms"
Appl. Phys. B 70, 701 (2000)


M. Sauter, H. Ott, and W. Nakel  
"Spin asymmetry in relativistic (e,2e) processes: atomic-number dependance"
J. Phys. B 31, L967 (1998)