Peer-reviewed publications


  • Terahertz-Induced Nonlinear Response in ZnTe

    Felix Selz, Johanna Kölbel, Felix Paries, Georg von Freymann, Daniel Molter, and Daniel Mittleman
    submitted (2024)

  • Terahertz Quantum Imaging

    Mirco Kutas, Felix Riexinger, Jens Klier, Daniel Molter, Georg von Freymann
    ArXiv 2408.02531 (2024)

In press

  • Multiphoton 3D Lithography

    Edvinas Skliutas, Greta Merkininkaite, Shoji Maruo, Wenxin Zhang, Wenyuan Chen, Weiting Deng, Julia Greer, Georg von Freymann, and Mangirdas Malinauskas
    submitted (2024)

  • Nutation: separating the spin from its magnetic moment

    Anulekha De, Julius Schlegel, Akira Lentfert, Laura Scheuer, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Philipp Pirro, Georg von Freymann, Ulrich Nowak, and Martin Aeschlimann
    ArXiv 2405.01334 (2024)



  • 3D direct laser writing of capacitive ultrasonic transceivers

    Erik Hagen Waller, Anette Jacobs, Georg von Freymann, and Frank Tiefensee
    IEEE Sensors early view (2024)

  • Electric field induced second harmonic generation in arsenic sulfide deposited by thermal evaporation

    Laurids Wardenberg, Benito Bunk, Georg von Freymann, and Jörg Schilling
    Optics Express 32, 23856 (2024)

  • Wide-range resistivity characterization of semiconductors with terahertz time-domain spectroscopy

    Joshua Hennig, jens Klier, Stefan Duran, Kuei-Shen-Hsu, Jan beyer, Christian Röder, Franziska C. Beyer, Nadine Schüler, Nico Vieweg, Katja Dutzi, Georg von Freymann, and Daniel Molter
    Optics Express 32, 21028 (2024)
    ArXiv 2401.12787 (2024)

  • Local temperature control of magnon frequency and direction of supercurrents in a magnon Bose-Einstein condensate

    Matthias R. Schweizer, Franziska Kühn, Victor S. L'vov, Anna Pomyalov, Georg von Freymann, Burkard Hillebrands, and Alexander A. Serga
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 092402 (2024)
    ArXiv 2311.14476 (2023)

  • Coherent off-axis terahertz tomography addressing a multi-channel array with f-theta optics

    Karl Henrik May, Shiva Mohammadzadeh, Andreas Keil, Georg von Freymann, Fabian Friederich
    Sensors 24, 529 (2024)


  • Extreme Ultra-Wideband Opotoelectronic Frequency-Modulated Continous-Wave Terahertz Radar

    S. Mohammadzadeh, A. Keil, M. Kocybik, L. M. Schwenson, L. Liebermeister, R. Kohlhaas, B. Globisch, G. von Freymann, J. Seewig, and F. Friederich
    Laser & Photonics Reviews 2300396 (2023)

  • Fiber-tip spintronic terahertz emitters

    F. Paries, N. Tiercelin, G. Lezier, M. Vanwolleghem, F. Selz, M.-A. Syskaki, F. Kammerbauer, G. Jakob, M. Jourdan, M. Kläui, Z. Kaspar, T. Kampfrath, T. S. Seifert, G. von Freymann, and D. Molter
    editor's pick
    Optics Express 31, 30884 (2023)
    ArXiv 2305.01365 (2023)

  • General simulation method for spontaneous parametric down- and parametric up-conversion experiments

    Felix Riexinger, Mirco Kutas, Björn Haase, Patricia Bickert, Daniel Molter, Michael Bortz, and Georg von Freymann
    SciPost Core 6, 022 (2023)
    ArXiv 2112.07243 (2021)

  • Initiator-free photo-crosslinkable cellulose-based resists for fabricating submicron patterns via direct laser writing

    M. Rothammer, D. T. Meiers, M. Maier, G. von Freymann, and C. Zollfrank
    JOSA B 40, 849 (2023)
    ArXiv 2211.01271 (2022)

  • Direct laser writing of 3D metallic mid- and far-infrared wave components

    Erik H. Waller, Stefan Duran, and Georg von Freymann
    Nanophotonics 12, 1549 (2023)


  • Kilohertz pixel-rate mulitlayer terahertz imaging of subwavelength coatings

    Daniel Molter, Kim-Sophie Ellenberger, Jens Klier, Stefan Duran, Joachim Jonuscheit, Georg von Freymann, Nico Vieweg, and Anselm Deninger
    Appl. Sci. 12, 4964 (2022)


  • The Conjugate Gradient Least Square Algorithm in Terahertz Tomography

    Karl. H. May, Andreas Keil, Georg von Freymann, and Fabian Friederich
    IEEE Access 9, 142168 (2021)

  • Two Decades of Terahertz Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy

    D. Molter, J. Klier, S. Weber, M. Kolano, J. Jonuscheit, and G. von Freymann,
    Appl. Phys. Rev. 8, 021311 (2021)

  • Define and measure the dimensional accuracy of two-photon laser lithography methods based on its instrument transfer function

    Gaoliang Dai, Xiukun Hu, Matthias Eifler, Jörg Seewig, Julian Hering, and Georg von Freymann
    Journal of Physics: Photonics 3, 034002 (2021)

  • Photosensitive Material Enabling Direct Fabrication of Filigree 3D Silver Micro-Structures via Laser-Induced Photoreduction

    Erik H. Waller, Julian Karst, and Georg von Freymann
    Light: Advanced Manufacturing 2, 8 (2021)

  • Mail inspection based on terahertz time‐domain spectroscopy

    Daniel Molter, Daniel Hübsch, Thorsten Sprenger, Korbinian Hens, Konstantinos Nalpantidis, Frank Platte, René Beigang, Joachim Jonuscheit, Georg von Freymann, and Frank Ellrich
    Applied Sciences 11, 950 (2021)


  • Generalized Laws of Refraction and Reflection at Interfaces between Different Photonic Artificial Gauge Fields

    Moshe-Ishay Cohen, Christina Jörg, Yaakov Lumer, Yonatan Plotnik, Erik H. Waller, Julian Schulz, Georg von Freymann, and Mordechai Segev
    Light: Science&Applications 9, 200 (2020)

  • Terahertz detection by upconversion to the near-infrared using picosecond pulses

    T. Pfeiffer, Mirco Kutas, Björn Haase, D. Molter, and G. von Freymann
    Optics Express 28, 29419 (2020)

  • Non-destructive and non-contact: Robot-assisted coating thickness measurement in production | Zerstörungsfrei und berührungslos: robotergestützte Schichtdickenmessung in der Fertigung

    J. Klier, S. Weber, D. Molter, G. von Freymann, and J. Jonuscheit
    JOT, Journal fuer Oberflaechentechnik 60, 62 (2020)


  • Functional metallic microcomponents via liquid-phase multiphoton direct laser writing: a review

    E. H. Waller, S. Dix, J. Gutsche, A. Widera, G. von Freymann
    Micromachines 10, 827 (2019)

  • Multilayer Thickness Measurements below the Rayleigh Limit Using FMCW Millimeter and Terahertz Waves

    Nina Susan Schreiner, Wolfgang Sauer-Greff, Ralph Urbansky, Georg von Freymann, Fabian Friederich
    Sensors 19, 3910 (2019)

  • Terahertz cross-correlation spectroscopy driven by incoherent light from a superluminescent diode

    Daniel Molter, Michael Kolano, and Georg von Freymann
    Opt. Express 27, 12659 (2019)

  • Spontaneous parametric down-conversion of photons at 660 nm to the terahertz and sub-terahertz frequency range

    Björn Haase, Mirco Kutas, Felix Riexinger, Patricia Bickert, Andreas Keil, Daniel Molter and Georg von Freymann
    Opt. Express 27, 7458 (2019)


  • Single-laser, polarization-controlled optical sampling system

    Michael Kolano, Oliver Boidol, Daniel Molter, and Georg von Freymann
    Opt. Express 23, 30338 (2018)

  • Polarization conversion effect in biological and synthetic photonic diamond structures

    X. Wu, F. L. Rodríguez-Gallegos, M.-C. Heep, B. Schwind, G. Li, H.-O. Fabritius, G. von Freymann, and J. Förstner
    Advanced Optical Materials 2018, 1800635 (2018)

  • Invited article: Bragg stacks with tailored disorder create brilliant whiteness

    D. T. Meiers, M.-C. Heep, and G. von Freymann
    APL Photonics 3, 100802 (2018)

  • Enabling direct laser writing of cellulose-based submicron architectures

    M. Rothammer, M.-C. Heep, G. von Freymann, and C. Zollfrank
    Cellulose 25, 6031 (2018)

  • Control of Spin-Wave Propagation using Magnetisation Gradients

    M. Vogel, R. Aßmann, P. Pirro, A. V. Chumak, B. Hillebrands, and G. von Freymann
    Scientific Reports 8, 11099 (2018)

  • Calibration sample for arbitrary metrological characteristics of optical topography measuring instruments

    Matthias Eifler, Julian Hering, Georg von Freymann, and Jörg Seewig
    Opt. Express 26, 16609 (2018)

  • Terahertz thickness determination with interferometric vibration correction for industrial applications

    T. Pfeiffer, S. Weber, J. Klier, S. Bachtler, D. Molter, J. Jonuscheit, and G. von Freymann
    Opt. Express 26, 12558 (2018)

  • Coating of ultra-small micro end mills: analysis of performance and suitability of eight different hard-coatings

    M. Bohley, I. G. Reichenbach, S. Kieren-Ehses, L. Heberger, P. Arrabiyeh, R. Merz, L. Böhme, J. Hering, B. Kirsch, M. Kopnarski, E. Kerscher, G. von Freymann, J. C. Aurich
    J. Manuf. Mater. Process. 2, 22 (2018)

  • From photo-induced electron transfer to 3D metal microstructures via direct laser writing

    E. H. Waller and G. von Freymann
    Nanophotonics 7, 1259 (2018)

  • Single-Laser Polarization-Controlled Optical Sampling System for THz-TDS

    M. Kolano, B. Gräf, S. Weber, D. Molter, and G. von Freymann
    Optics Letters 6, 1351 (2018)

  • Terahertz Radome Inspection

    F. Friederich, K. H. May, B. Baccouche, C. Matheis, M. Bauer, J. Jonuscheit, M. Moor, D. Denman, J. Bramble, and N. Savage
    Photonics 5, 1 (2018)


  • Comparison of digital beamforming algorithms for 3-D terahertz imaging with sparse multistatic line arrays

    B. Baccouche, P. Agostini, F. Schneider, W. Sauer-Greff, R. urbansky, and F. Friederich
    Adv. Radio Sci. 15, 283 (2017)

  • Direct laser written polymer waveguides with out of plane couplers for optical chips

    A. Landowski, D. Zepp, S. Wingerter, G. von Freymann, and A. Widera
    APL Photonics 2, 106102 (2017)

  • Ultrafast 3D High Precision Printing of Micro Structures for Optical Instrument Calibration Procedures

    Felix Ströer, Julian Hering, Matthias Eifler, Indek Raid, Georg von Freymann, and Jörg Seewig
    Additive Manufacturing 18, 22 (2017)

  • Time-stretched real-time measurement technique for ultrafast absorption variations with TS/s sampling-rate

    S. Weber, E. H. Waller, Ch. Kaiser, and G. von Freymann
    Optics Express 25, 14125 (2017)

  • Interferometry-aided terahertz time-domain spectroscopy

    D. Molter, M. Trierweiler, F. Ellrich, J. Jonuscheit, and G. von Freymann
    Optics Express 25, 7547 (2017)

  • Plasmonic modulator with >170 GHz bandwidth demonstrated at 100 GBd NRZ

    C. Hoessbacher, A. Josten, B. Baeuerle, Y. Fedoryshyn, H. Hettrich, Y. Salamin, W. Heni, C. Haffner, C. Kaiser, R. Schmid, D. L. Elder, D. Hillerkuss, M. Möller, L. R. Dalton, and J. Leuthold
    Optics Express 25, 1762 (2017)


  • Automated aberration correction of arbitrary laser-modes in high numerical aperture systems

    Julian Hering, Erik H. Waller and Georg von Freymann
    Optics Express 24, 28500 (2016)

  • Spatio-temporal proximity characteristics in 3D μ-printing via multi-photon-absorption

    Erik H. Waller and Georg von Freymann
    Polymers 8, 297 (2016)

  • Highly accurate thickness measurement of multi-layered automotive paints using terahertz technology

    Soufiene Krimi, Jens Klier, Joachim Jonuscheit, Georg von Freymann, Ralph Urbansky, and René Beigang
    Applied Physics Letters 109, 021105 (2016)

  • New class of hyperpolarizable push-pull organic chromophores by applying a novel and convenient synthetic strategy

    S. Farsadpour, L. Taghizadeh Ghoochany, Ch. Kaiser, and G. von Freymann
    Dyes and Pigments 127, 73 (2016)



  • THz waveform generation for S21-parameter measurements using a fiber-coupled optical pulse shaper

    Jan-Martin Rämer and G. von Freymann
    Optics Express 23, 30872 (2015)

  • Influence of Substrate Material on Radiation Characteristics of THz Photoconductive Emitters

    Jens Klier, Garik Torosyan, Nina Susan Schreiner, Daniel Molter, Frank Ellrich, Wissem Zouaghi, Emilien Peytavit, Jean-François Lampin, René Beigang, Joachim Jonuscheit, and Georg von Freymann
    International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2015, 540175 (2015)

  • Optically-Reconfigurable Magnetic Materials

    M. Vogel, A. V. Chumak, E. H. Waller, T. Langner, V. I. Vasyuchka, B. Hillebrands, and G. von Freymann
    Nature Physics 11, 487 (2015)


  • Influence of Direct Laser Written 3D Topographies on Proliferation and Differentiation of Osteoblast-like Cells: Towards improved implant surfaces

    Judith K. Hohmann and Georg von Freymann
    Adv. Funct. Materials 24, 6573 (2014)


  • Independent spatial intensity, phase and polarization distributions

    Erik H. Waller and Georg von Freymann
    Optics Express 21, 28167 (2013)

    Also published in: Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Vol. 9, Iss. 1 (2014)

  • Multi foci with diffraction limited resolution

    Erik H. Waller and Georg von Freymann
    Optics Express 21, 21708 (2013)

    Also published in: Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Vol. 8, Iss. 10 (2013)

  • Generation and detection of terahertz radiation up to 4.5 THz by LTG GaAs photoconductive antennas excited at 1560 nm

    J.-M. Rämer, F. Ospald, G. von Freymann, and R. Beigang
    Applied Physics Letters 103, 021119 (2013)


  • Visible light Laue diffraction from woodpile photonic crystals

    B. Brüser, I. Staude, G. von Freymann, M. Wegener, and U. Pietsch
    Appl. Opt. 51, 6732 (2012)

  • Electrochromic Bragg Mirror, ECBM

    E. Redel, J. Mlynarski, J. Moir, A. Jelle, C. Huai, S. Petrov, M. G. Helander, F. C. Peiris, G. von Freymann, G. A. Ozin
    Adv. Mater. 24, OP265 (2012)

  • Direct laser writing-mediated generation of standardized topographies for dental implant surface optimization

    R. Wittig, E. Waller, G. von Freymann, and R. Steiner
    J. Laser Appl. 24, 042011 (2012)

  • Spectral tuning of a three-dimensional photonic-bandgap waveguide signature by silica atomic-layer deposition

    I. Staude, G. von Freymann, and M. Wegener
    Opt. Mater. Express 2, 629 (2012)


  • Hierarchical Nanoparticle Bragg Mirrors – Tandem and Gradient Architectures

    E. Redel, C. Huai, M. Renner, G. von Freymann, G. A. Ozin
    Small 7, 3465 (2011)

  • Direct laser writing for active and passive high-Q polymer microdisks on silicon

    T. Grossmann, S. Schleede, M. Hauser, T. Beck, M. Thiel, G. von Freymann, T. Mappes, H. Kalt
    Optics Express 19, 11451 (2011)

  • Three-dimensional Biofunctionalized Patterns of Composite-Polymer Scaffolds for Controlled Cell Adhesion

    F. Klein, B. Richter, Th. Striebel, C. M. Franz, G. von Freymann, M. Wegener, and M. Bastmeyer
    Adv. Mater. 23, 1341 (2011)

  • Waveguides in three-dimensional photonic-band-gap materials by direct laser writing and silicon double inversion

    I. Staude, G. von Freymann, S. Essig, K. Busch, and M. Wegener
    Opt. Lett. 36, 67 (2011)


  • Direct laser writing of three-dimensional submicron structures using a continous-wave laser at 532 nm

    M. Thiel, J. Fischer, G. von Freymann, and M. Wegener
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 221102 (2010)

  • The materials challenge in diffraction-unlimited direct-laser-writing optical lithography

    J. Fischer, G. von Freymann, and M. Wegener
    Adv. Mater. 22, 3578 (2010)

  • Fabrication and characterization of silicon woodpile photonic crystals with a complete bandgap at telecom wavelengths

    I. Staude, M. Thiel, S. Essig, C. Wolff, K. Busch, G. von Freymann, and M. Wegener
    Opt. Lett. 35, 1094 (2010)

  • Elastic fully three-dimensional microstructure scaffolds for cell force measurements

    F. Klein, T. Striebel, J. Fischer, Z. Jiang, C.M. Franz, G. von Freymann, M. Wegener, M. Bastmeyer
    Adv. Mater. 22, 868 (2010)

  • Three-dimensional chiral photonic superlattices

    M. Thiel, H. Fischer, G. von Freymann, and M. Wegener
    Opt. Lett. 35, 166 (2010)


  • Transition between corrugated metal films and split-ring-resonator arrays

    C.E. Kriegler, M.S. Rill, M. Thiel, E. Müller, S. Essig, A. Frölich, G. von Freymann, S. Linden, D. Gerthsen, H. Hahn, K. Busch, and M. Wegener
    Appl. Phys. B 96, 749 (2009)

  • Gold helix photonic metamaterial as broadband circular polarizer

    J.K. Gansel, M. Thiel, M.S. Rill, M. Decker, K. Bade, V. Saile, G. von Freymann, S. Linden, and M. Wegener
    Science 325, 1513 (2009) (full version PDF download)
    Supporting Online Material (PDF)

  • Multiple scattering of light in three-dimensional photonic quasicrystals

    A. Ledermann, D.S. Wiersma, M. Wegener, and G. von Freymann
    Opt. Express 17, 1844 (2009)

  • Transition between corrugated metal films and split-ring-resonator array

    M.S. Rill, C.E. Kriegler, M. Thiel, G. von Freymann, S. Linden, and M. Wegener
    Opt. Lett. 34, 19 (2009)


  • Photonic Metamaterials by Direct Laser Writing and Silver Chemical Vapor Deposition

    M.S. Rill, C. Plet, M. Thiel, I. Staude, G. von Freymann, S. Linden, M. Wegener
    Nature Materials 7, 543 (2008)

  • Spatially localized photoluminescence at 1.5 micrometers wavelength in direct laser written 3D structures

    S. Wong, O. Kiowski, M. Kappes, J. Lindner, N. Mandal, F.C. Peiris, G.A. Ozin, M. Thiel, M. Braun, M. Wegener, G. von Freymann
    Advanced Materials 20, 4097 (2008), front cover


  • Periodic nanostructures for photonics

    K. Busch, G. von Freymann, S. Linden, S.F. Mingaleev, L. Tkeshelashvili, and M. Wegener
    Phys. Rep. 444, 101 (2007)

  • Highly Selective Wet Etch for High Resolution Direct Laser Writing of Three-dimensional Nanostructures in Arsenic Sulfide All Inorganic Photoresist

    S. H. Wong, P. Brodersen, M. Thiel, D. Fenske, G.A. Ozin, M. Wegener, G. von Freymann
    Chemistry of Materials, 19, 4213 (2007)

  • Effect of Disorder on the Optically Amplified Photocatalytic Efficiency of Titania Inverse Opals

    J.I.L. Chen, G. von Freymann, V. Kitaev, G.A. Ozin
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 1196 (2007)

  • Polarization stop bands in chiral polymeric three-dimensional photonic crystals

    M. Thiel, M. Decker, M. Deubel, M. Wegener, S. Linden, G. von Freymann
    Adv. Mater. 19, 207 (2007)


  • Two-color pump-probe experiments on silicon inverse opals

    C. Becker, S. Linden, G. von Freymann, N. Tétreault, E. Vekris, V. Kitaev, G.A. Ozin, M. Wegener
    Phys. Stat. Sol. B 243, 2354 (2006)

  • Three-dimensional silicon inverse photonic quasicrystals for infrared wavelengths

    A. Ledermann, L. Cademartiri, M. Hermatschweiler, C. Toninelli, G.A. Ozin, D.S. Wiersma, M. Wegener, G. von Freymann
    Nature Materials 5, 942 (2006)

  • 3D-2D-3D photonic crystals heterostructures by direct laser writing

    M. Deubel, M. Wegener, S. Linden, G. von Freymann, S. John
    Opt. Lett. 31, 805 (2006)

  • Multigam Scale, Solventless and Diffusion-Controlled Route to Highly Monodisperse PbS Nanocrystals

    L. Cademartiri, J. Bertolotti, R. Sapienza, D.S. Wiersma, G. von Freymann, G.A. Ozin
    J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 671 (2006)

  • Direct Laser Writing of Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals with a Complete Photonic Bandgap in Chalcogenide Glasses

    S. Wong, M. Deubel, F.P. Pérez-Willard, S. John, G.A. Ozin, M. Wegener, G. von Freymann
    Adv. Mater. 18, 26 (2006)

  • New Route to Three-Dimensional Photonic Bandgap Materials: Silicon Double Inversion of Polymer Templates

    N. Tétreault, G. von Freymann, M. Deubel, M. Hermatschweiler, F. Pérez-Willard, S. John, M. Wegener, G.A. Ozin
    Adv. Mat. 18, 457 (2006)

    In the Top 10 most downloaded articles in Adv. Mater. in February 2006

  • Elastic Photonic Crystals: From Color Fingerprinting to Enhancement of Photoluminescence

    A.C. Arsenault, T.J. Clark, G. von Freymann, L. Cademartiri, E. Vekris, S. Wong, V. Kitaev, I. Manners, S. John, G.A. Ozin
    Nature Materials 5, 179 (2006)frontcover


  • Nanocrystals as single-source precursors for flexible functional films

    L. Cademartiri, G. von Freymann, A.C. Arsenault, J. Bertolotti, D.S. Wiersma, V. Kitaev, G.A. Ozin
    Small 1, 1184 (2005)

  • Angle-resolved transmission spectroscopy of three-dimensional Photonic Crystals fabricated by direct laser writing

    M. Deubel, M. Wegener, S. Linden, G. von Freymann
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 221104 (2005)

  • Two-color pump-probe experiments on silicon inverse opals

    C. Becker, S. Linden, G. von Freymann, M. Wegener, N. Tétreault, V. Kitaev, G.A. Ozin
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 091111 (2005)

  • Photochemically and Thermally Tunable Planar Defects in Colloidal Photonic Crystals

    F. Fleischhaker, A.C. Arsenault, V. Kitaev, F.C. Peiris, G. von Freymann, I. Manners, R. Zentel, G.A. Ozin
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 9318 (2005)

  • Buried Linear Extrinsic Defects in Colloidal Photonic Crystals

    E. Vekris, V. Kitaev, G. von Freymann, D. Perovic, J.S. Aitchison, G.A. Ozin
    Adv. Mat. 17, 1269 (2005)

  • Enhanced coupling to slow photon modes in three-dimensional graded colloidal photonic crystals

    G. von Freymann, S. John, V. Kitaev, G.A. Ozin
    Adv. Mater. 17, 1273 (2005)

  • Measurement of group velocity dispersion for finite size three-dimensional photonic crystals in the near infrared spectral region

    G. von Freymann, S. John, S. Wong, V. Kitaev, G.A. Ozin
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 053108 (2005)


  • Sub-nanometer precision modification of the optical properties of three-dimensional polymer-based photonic crystals

    G. von Freymann, V. Kitaev, T.Y. Chan, S. John, G.A. Ozin, M. Deubel, M. Wegener
    Photonics and Nanostructures 2, 191 (2004)

  • Direct laser writing of three-dimensional photonic-crystal templates for telecommunications

    M. Deubel, G. von Freymann, M. Wegener, S. Pereira, K. Busch, C.M. Soukoulis
    Nature Materials 3, 444 (2004)

  • Tungsten inverse opals: The influence of absorption on the photonic band structure in the visible spectral region

    G. von Freymann, S. John, M. Schulz-Dobrick, E. Vekris, N. Tetreault, S. Wong, V. Kitaev, G.A. Ozin
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 224 (2004)


  • Diffraction properties of two-dimensional photonic crystals

    G. von Freymann, W. Koch, D.C. Meisel, M. Wegener, M. Diem, A. Garcia-Martin, S. Pereira, K. Busch, J. Schilling, R.B. Wehrspohn, U. Gösele
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 614 (2003)

  • Three-dimensional face-centered-cubic Photonic Crystal Templates by Laser Holography: Fabrication, Optical Characterization, and Bandstructure Calculations

    Y.V. Miklyaev, D.C. Meisel, G. von Freymann, K. Busch, W. Koch, C. Enkrich, M. Deubel, M. Wegener
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 1284 (2003)


  • Investigations on phonon-mechanism in CdSe/ZnSe quantum islands using time-resolved near-field spectroscopy

    B. Dal Don, R. Dianoux, S. Wachter, E. Kurtz, G. von Freymann, U. Neuberth, C. Klingshirn, M. Wegener, H. Kalt
    Physica Status Solidi A 190, 533 (2002)

  • Spatial autocorrelation analysis of nano-photoluminescence image of single GaAs quantum wells

    U. Neubert, L. Walter, G. von Freymann, T. Schimmel, M. Wegener, G. Khitrova, H.M. Gibbs
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 1881 (2002)

  • Level repulsion in nanophotoluminescence spectra from single GaAs quantum wells

    G. von Freymann, U. Neuberth, M. Deubel, M. Wegener, G. Khitrova, H.M. Gibbs
    Phys. Rev. B. 65, 205327 (2002)

  • Combining a scanning near-field optical microscope with a picosecond streak camera: Statistical analysis of excitation kinetics in GaAs single-quantum wells

    U. Neuberth, L. Walter, G. von Freymann, B. Dal Don, H. Kalt, M. Wegener, G. Khitrova, H.M. Gibbs
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 3340 (2002)

  • Influence of the quantum island distribution on relaxation of localized excitons in CdSe/ZnSe heterostructures
    B. Dal-Don, R. Dianoux, S. Wachter, M. Schmidt, E. Kurtz, G. von Freymann, U.  Neuberth, C. Klingshirn, M. Wegener, H. Kalt
    Physica Status Solidi B 229, 463 (2002)



  • Autocorrelation spectroscopy on single ultrathin layers of CdSe/ZnSe: hints for a non-thermal distribution of excitons in quantum islands

    G. von Freymann, E. Kurz, C. Klingshirn, D. Litvinov, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, M. Wegener
    Journal of Microscopy 202, 218 (2001)


  • Statistical analysis of near-field photoluminescence spectra of single ultrathin layers of CdSe/ZnSe

    G. von Freymann, E. Kurz, C. Klingshirn, and M. Wegener
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 394 (2000)

  • Near-field photoluminescence imaging of single defects in a ZnSe quantum-well structure at low temperatures

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