The students work in groups of two and work on four experiments in FP1 within one week each, in FP2 on two experiments are processed within seven working days each.


The assignment of the experiments to the groups FP1, FP2 or Bio-Physics can vary depending on the occupancy of the course.

Diode laser spectroscopy Floian Binoth46-170FP2
fs-Spektroskopie n.n46-262BioP, FP1
Laserresonator Christoph Döring46-318FP1, BioP
MOKE Martin Mitkov46-325FP2
MOTFlorian Binoth46-170FP2
Nd:YAB-Laser Christoph Döring46-328FP2
NMR Daniel Fatachov46-172FP1
QED Dominic Meiers46-177FP1
Photoelectron spectroscopy Stefan Lach46-178FP2
Raman-SpectroscopyDennis Lönnard46-316FP2
Spinwaves David Breitbach46-325FP2
Wave-Particle DualismJulian Schulz46-314FP1
Zeeman-effektPhilipp Schwenke46-177FP1
diode laser spectroscopy
laser resonator
Raman Spectroscopy
Spin wave
wave-particle duality
Zeeman effect