Annual Report 2004

1 Introduction (25K)
2 Personnel (146K)
2.1 Members of the group
2.2 Visiting scientists, postdoctoral fellows and exchange students
2.3 Guest seminars
2.4 Visits of group members at other laboratories
2.5 Group member photo gallery
3 Research topics (32K)
4 Equipment (26K)
5 Transfer of Technology (19.5K)
5.1 Magnetism
5.2 Institut für Dünnschichttechnologie - Transferstelle der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern
6 Experimental results
A. Dynamic Magnetic Phenomena
B. Nonlinear Wave Effects
C. Magnetic Films and Surfaces
D. Exchange Bias Effect
E. Elastic Properties
F. Transfer of Technology
7 Publications (36K)
8 Conferences, Workshops, Schools, Seminars, Awards (44K)
Appendix (82K)
The Annual Report 2004 may be downloaded as one file (2.22M).
comments to: webhilleb(at)