Annual Report 2010
1 Introduction (398 kB)
2 Personnel (1024 kB)
2.1 Members of the group
2.2 Visiting scientists, postdoctoral fellows and exchange students
2.3 Guest seminars
2.4 Visits of group members at other laboratories
2.5 Group member photo gallery
3 Methods (700 kB)
3.1 Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy (BLS)
3.2 Microwave setups
3.3 Magneto-optic Kerr effect magnetometry and microscopy (MOKE)
3.4 Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
4 Reports on Experimental Results
C. Magnonic Crystals and Spin Waves in Anisotropic Media
D. Dynamics in Nanostructures and Domain Walls
E. Heusler Compounds and other Magnetic Films
F. Applied Research and Technology
5 Publications (219 kB)
6 Seminars (441 kB)
6.1 Conferences
6.2 Workshops and Schools
6.3 Meetings and Trade Fairs
6.4 Invited colloquia
6.5 Seminars
6.6 Awards and Fellowships
The annual report may be downloaded as one file Annual Report 2010(14.7 MB)