Prof. Dr. B. Hillebrands
Do., 14.06.2018, 17:15, 46-270
This lecture gives an overview of our group's research activities and available projects for Bachelor-, Master- and Diploma thesis projects. The slides can be found here.
Experimente in der Festkörperphysik
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands
Mo 13:45h - 15:15h 11-201
Mi 11:45h - 13:15h 46-270
(4 SWS)
Magnonik 2
Nanotechnologie 1
Magnetophotonics and Magneto-optical Spectroscopy
Advanced Experimental methods for structural and magnetic characterization of nanostructures
Nanotechnologie 1
Magnonik 2
Magnetophotonics and Magneto-optical Spectroscopy
Advanced Experimental methods for structural and magnetic characterization of nanostructures