The main goal of the DOTNAC project is to develop a fast, high resolution, non-invasive and non-contact inspection system for assessing aeronautic composite parts either during production or maintenance. The developed NDT tool will be easy to integrate in industrial facilities and will fill in the performance gaps that are still present amongst the existing NDT techniques. It will therefore be an extremely useful tool in NDT in terms of sensor fusion. This new method will not replace directly the existing NDT tools, but will deliver complementary results which can be sometimes more precise for some defects.
To create an integrated (hardware-software) and optimized THz imaging system using pulsed signals and optical fibre coupling.
To create an integrated (hardware-software) and optimized THz imaging system using continuous wave signals and electrical cable coupling.
To demonstrate, in an industrial setting, the effectiveness of a THz NDT tool.
To assess the performances of the 2 developed THz NDT tools for assessing aeronautic composite parts.
To develop a user/research community for fast, high resolution, non-invasive & non-contact inspection for assessing aeronautic composite parts during production.
The project parteners are:
Belgium - Royal Military Academy
Belgium - Verhaert New Products & Services
Belgium - Innov Support
Germany - Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Germany - Fraunhofer-Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik IPM
France - CNRS
Spain - Centro de Tecnologias Aeronauticas
Spain - Applus+ LGAI Technological Centre S.A.
Spain - CIMNE
Israel - Israel Aerospace Industries
For more information please follow the link to the DOTNAC project homepage.