Laser- und Quantenoptikseminar Sommersemester 2024

Freitags (14-tägig), 10:00 Uhr, Raum 46-387/388

TerminVortragende/-rThemaEingeladen von
26.04.2024PD Dr. Alexey Filinov
Universität Kiel
Ab initio approach to static and dynamic properties of strongly coupled fermionic and bosonic liquids and partially ionized plasmasPD Dr. Pelster
21.06.2024Prof. Dr. Li You, Tsinghua UniversityQuantum enhanced sensing with spinor atomic condensates in linear and nonlinear interferometriesProf. Dr. Widera
05.07.2024Prof. Dr. Peter Puschnig
Universität Graz
Exploring Molecular Orbitals through Photoemission Orbital Tomography: Advances and Applications --- Mercator Fellow LectureProf. Dr. Stadtmüller
Raum 76/276
Prof. Dr. Zhensheng Tao
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
tbaProf. Dr. Aeschlimann

Prof. Dr. Martin Aeschlimann (ma(at) /Tel.: 0631 205 2322)
Prof. Dr. Herwig Ott (ott(at) / Tel.: 0631 205 2817)
Sekretariat: Anna Mihanovic (anna.mihanovic(at) / Tel.: 0631 205 2692)