
Most of the Leaflets of the degree courses are so far only available in German. If you have any problems with the German language or the forms, you are welcome to contact the Examinations Office, where they will be happy to help you. You can find their contact details and information on office hours in the KIS.


The Leaflets contain basic information on the individual degree programmes on topics such as the examination office, the QIS, examinations in general and important deadlines. In addition, every student should become familiar with the relevant module manual and the examination regulations for their own degree programme.


Infoblatt für Studierende des Studiengangs Physik (Bachelor/Master)

Infoblatt für Studierende des Studiengangs TechnoPhysik (Bachelor/Master)

Infoblatt für Studierende des Studiengangs BioPhysik (Bachelor/Master)

Leaflet for students of the study program Advanced Quantum Physics (Master)