Organizational details
For whom?
Students in grades 8 to 13, or grades 7 to 12 at G8 high schools, and accompanying teachers.
Where and When?
RPTU in Kaiserslautern, Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße, 67663 Kaiserslautern. December 7, 2024, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Building 42, Building 46 and Building 56. Here you will find the schedule of the event.
The university can be easily reached by car/bus or by train and city bus line 105 stop "Hauptbahnhof" (direction "Uniwohnstadt") or line 115 from stop "Post" (3 minutes walk from the main station, direction "Universität"). Here you can see the bus connections to the university.
Here you can find a sketched campus map.
What is offered?
The event begins at 9:30 a.m. with the official welcome in the RPTU Audimax (Building 42).
Immediately afterwards (9:50 a.m.), the physics competition will begin in the RPTU canteen for all those who have registered in advance. Further information can be found here.
For everyone else, the other events will start at the same time with workshops to participate in, lectures, talks, tours and information events.
In the workshops, you can try things out for yourself and receive optimal support and information in small groups. NO prior registration is required to take part in the workshops.
Information market
Between lectures or during the lunch break, you can visit the information exchange in the foyer of building 46. Here you can obtain information about the courses on offer in the field of physics, studying in general and starting a distance learning course. The student councils offer the opportunity to talk to students in their rooms.
Food and drink
Food and drinks are provided by the Studierendenwerk team in the "Atrium" cafeteria in Building 30. You can find information about the offer in the program brochure and at the information stand in Building 46 (food is offered at the student price, you do not need a Mensa card).
Who can help?
The central contact point during the whole day is the information stand of the physics department in the foyer of building 46.